Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Instinet Expands Direct Market Access Through Membership Of Oslo And Copenhagen Exchanges

    Date 24/05/2005

    Instinet, The Institutional Broker, today announced that it has increased its market connections with the addition of direct membership to the Oslo and Copenhagen Stock Exchanges. As of 27 May, Instinet will offer fast*, anonymous, fully automated exchange access to these equity markets through the OMX SAXESS platform.

  • Instinet Europe Ltd. New Member Of Oslo Børs

    Date 24/05/2005

    The British investment firm Instinet Europe Ltd. will start direct trading in shares on Oslo Børs from Friday 27 May. Instinet become a member at Copenhagen Stock Exchange from the same time. Including Instinet, 17 out of at total of 40 members now have remote membership at Oslo Børs.

  • Instinet – New Member Of The Copenhagen Stock Exchange

    Date 24/05/2005

    Instinet, The Institutional Broker has been approved as a new member of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. From Friday 27 May, 2005, Instinet will have access to the equity market and will be trading on behalf of customers. Instinet can now offer its clients fast, anonymous, fully automated exchange access to the three biggest markets within OMX Exchanges through the OMX platform SAXESS. In addition to the membership of Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Instinet also expands its offering in the Nordic

  • HKEx Stock Exchange Participants' Market Share Report

    Date 24/05/2005

    Please click here to download the HKEx "Stock Exchange Participants' Market Share Report".

  • EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Trading Gets The Green Light With Opening Of UK Registry

    Date 24/05/2005

    Firms covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme will be able to open their UK carbon accounts later this week, the Government announced today. This Scheme is one of the main components in the fight against climate change.

  • Effective June 1, Stock Exchange Of Thailand To Utilize Public Reprimands To Help Govern Listed Companies’ Actions

    Date 24/05/2005

    Executive Vice President of The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Mr. Suthichai Chitvanich said that in 2005, the SET would place more emphasis than before on supervising listed companies’ actions, with supervision being based on the rules’ underlying objectives. He said, “We hope to create compliance with the rules with the complete comprehension as to why and how these rules benefit everyone. We also hope to encourage self-supervision. This will then help increase investors’ confidence.”

  • Dow Jones Indexes To Launch Index-Tracking Australian Real-Estate Market

    Date 24/05/2005

    Dow Jones Indexes, a leading global index provider, today launched the Dow Jones Australia LPT Index, which tracks the performance of the Listed Property Trust (LPT) securities traded on the Australian Stock Exchange. The index was developed in conjunction with the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) and Atchison Consultants, a property asset consultancy firm.

  • Copenhagen Stock Exchange: New Rules For MidCap+ And SmallCap+

    Date 24/05/2005

    Following the consultation round ending on May 16, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange has evaluated the incoming proposals and made some adjustments to the rules regulating MidCap+ and SmallCap+.

  • CMB And Euronav Joined The Printing On Demand Service Offered By CIK.

    Date 24/05/2005

    CIK, the Belgian CSD, is very pleased to welcome CMB and EURONAV as new instruments eligible in PRIOS (Printing On Demand service).

  • Bank Clients Trade CO2 Allowances Directly At The EEX - First Deal By Lemgo Municipal Supplier Via BHF-Bank

    Date 24/05/2005

    The European Energy Exchange (EEX), Leipzig, announced yesterday the first client trade in its CO2 market via a bank. Lemgo municipal supplier traded 10.000 EU Allowances via BHF-Bank, Frankfurt. Thus, the opportunity to use a finan-cial institute as an intermediary without being EEX´ participant was used for the first time. It is enough if the bank is admitted for trades in CO2 Allowances at the EEX. Such a trade is carried out like a private share trade at the stock exchange via a deposit at t