FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
NYBOT President James J. Bowe Departs Exchange
Date 15/12/1999
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) yesterday announced the resignation of NYBOT President & CEO James J. Bowe effective December 31, 1999. Bowe, who had been president of the Coffee, Sugar Cocoa Exchange, Inc., was appointed NYBOT president in June 1998 following the merger of the Coffee, Sugar Cocoa Exchange, Inc. and The New York Cotton Exchange. He has resigned as a result of irreconcilable differences with respect to responsibilities associated with the position of president and CEO for th
Merc Board Re-elects Gordon Chairman, Chooses Other Officers
Date 15/12/1999
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Board of Directors this afternoon elected its board officers for the year 2000 at an organizational meeting. Scott Gordon was re-elected Chairman of the Board for a second consecutive two-year term.
Meeting Of The Oslo Stock Exchange Board - Transfers From The SMB List To The Main List And Transfers From The Main List To The SMB List.
Date 15/12/1999
If the market value of the shares of a company which is listed on the SMB List has exceeded NOK 300 million for at least one year and the other conditions for listing on the Main List are satisfied, the Stock Exchange Regulations provide at § 2-2 first paragraph for the Stock Exchange Board to decide that the company's shares shall be placed on the Main List.
Letter From William Brodsky To Arthur Levitt Regarding Options Exchanges Linkage
Date 15/12/1999
Dear Arthur: CBOE is writing in response to your November 10, 1999, letter requesting our views on whether to incorporate price-time priority into an intermarket options linkage. We appreciate your invitation to comment on the issue, which has engendered much discussion among the options exchanges and within the broader options industry.
JSE Records All Time High For Number of Deals Traded
Date 15/12/1999
Today the JSE recorded the highest number of deals traded on any one day in its 111 year history. Deals amounting to 32,507 surpassed the previous record of 30,398 recorded on March 18, 1999.
Industry Veteran Nicholas Bolton Hired By CBOT As Exchange Representative In Asia Pacific Region
Date 15/12/1999
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) announced today that Nicholas T.M. Bolton has been hired as the representative to open a new Asian Pacific office for the exchange. The new office will begin operations on December 15. Bolton will serve the region from his base in Sydney, Australia.
FTSE Eurotop 300® Sets Daily Volume Record On NYMEX
Date 15/12/1999
The New York Mercantile Exchange established a daily volume record yesterday for FTSE Eurotop 300®1 futures when 1,197 contracts were traded, surpassing the 444 contracts traded on December 1, 1999.
Central Bank Of Iceland Weekly Rep Auction, 14 December
Date 15/12/1999
The Central Bank of Iceland held a weekly auction of repurchase agreements on December 14 of the standard maturity of 14 days.
A Smooth Transition At The Helm Of The Montreal Exchange
Date 15/12/1999
The Montreal Exchange is planning a smooth transition at its helm. Following a proposal by Mr. Gérald A. Lacoste, President and CEO of the Montreal Exchange, the Governing Committee has formed a search committee to recommend a successor to Mr. Lacoste. Mr. Lacoste will remain President and CEO of the Montreal Exchange until his successor takes office, and will continue to act as a special advisor to the Exchange until the end of next year.
NASD And SEHK Signs Information Sharing Agreement To Allow Hong Kong Listings For Nasdaq Securities
Date 14/12/1999
The National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD®)¾parent organization of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) today signed regulatory agreements to transfer mutually useful and necessary regulatory information as part of a pilot program to provide for listings on the Exchange by companies listed on Nasdaq.
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