Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Central Bank of Iceland Weekly Repo Auction

    Date 21/12/1999

    The Central Bank of Iceland held a weekly auction of repurchase agreements on December 21 of the standard maturity of 14 days.

  • The Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong November Market Statistics

    Date 20/12/1999

    Trading value in November increased significantly with average daily turnover reaching the highest value since November 1997, despite a contraction in turnover volume.

  • Deutsche Börse Up-dates SMAX Rules & Regulations - Transition To International Accounting Standards

    Date 20/12/1999

    As at January 1 2000, Deutsche Börse is adapting the SMAX Rules & Regulations to meet the growing requirements of the European capital market. Above all, SMAX-listed companies will, as of the beginning of the year 2002 reporting period, have to meet international accounting standards. Moreover, the regulations for preferential allocation of shares have been made more precise.

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary

    Date 20/12/1999

    The market shed 0.6% with all but two counters traded.

  • ASX Proposes New Reporting Requirement For Initially Cash-Rich Companies

    Date 20/12/1999

    Australian Stock Exchange ("ASX") today announced that the market will be consulted shortly about the proposed introduction of a new listing rule. This proposed listing rule is intended to apply to those companies that were admitted since 1 July 1999* where the company had assets at least half of which were in the form of cash or in a form readily convertible to cash. The new rule will require these companies to keep shareholders fully informed by providing a quarterly cash flow statement in the