Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • ISDEX Internet Stock Index Stock Components Altered

    Date 01/03/2000

    March 1, 2000-The Kansas City Board of Trade announces the following changes to the ISDEX" index of Internet stocks, effective at the start of trading tomorrow: USWeb Corp (USWB) will be removed and Whittman-Hart Inc. (WHIT) will be added.

  • International Securities Exchange Approved By Securities And Exchange Commission - First New Securities Exchange In Twenty-Seven Years

    Date 01/03/2000

    The International Securities Exchange (ISE) announced last week that it has received approval of its application for registration as a national securities exchange. This marks the first time since 1973 that any entity has received such designation from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Before 1973, all other exchanges predated the formation of the SEC in 1934.

  • Eurex: Second-Highest Monthly Performance, 39.1 Million Contracts Traded

    Date 01/03/2000

    With volume of 39.1 million contracts traded in February, Eurex, the European derivatives market, recorded the second-highest turnover ever achieved by a derivatives exchange on a monthly basis, after 40.2 million contracts traded in January 2000. The February 2000 trading volume is 48.5 percent higher than the figure posted for the same month of last year.

  • Appointment of Mr KC Kwong As Hong Kong Exchanges And Clearing Limited (HKEC) Chief Executive

    Date 01/03/2000

    The board of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEC) announced yesterday (Tuesday) the appointment of Mr KWONG Ki-chi as the Chief Executive of the company. Mr Kwong is expected to join HKEC in early March 2000. As required under the Exchanges and Clearing Houses (Merger) Ordinance, HKEC has submitted the appointment to the Securities and Futures Commission for approval.

  • Appointment of Mr Alec Tsui Yiu Wa As Hong Kong Exchanges And Clearing Limited (HKEC) Chief Operating Officer

    Date 01/03/2000

    The board of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEC) announced today (Wednesday) the appointment of Mr Alec Tsui Yiu Wa as the Chief Operating Officer of the company. Mr Tsui will take up his new appointment on March 6, 2000. The appointment has received approval from the Securities and Futures Commission as required under the Exchanges and Clearing Houses (Merger) Ordinance.

  • Amsterdam Exchanges Introduces New Procedures For Flotations

    Date 01/03/2000

    Amsterdam Exchanges strongly urges investors not to submit market orders for new flotations. It also reserves the right to refuse limit orders for newly floated securities if these orders do not have a realistic limit in view of the issue price and would therefore disrupt the market. As from today Amsterdam Exchanges will also publish details of the BBO and the depth of the market at 8.45 a.m. via the usual channels (e.g. data vendors), regardless of the time when the first quote is expected.

  • Toronto Stock Exchange Declares TIPS 35 and TIPS 100 Distributions

    Date 29/02/2000

    The Toronto Stock Exchange has declared final distributions for both Toronto 35 and TSE 100 Index Participation Units for the period ending March 6, 2000. The distribution for holders of TIPS 35 as at March 3, 2000 is estimated to be $0.13974 per Participation Unit and will be payable March 6, 2000. The distribution for holders of TIPS 100 as at March 3, 2000 is estimated to be $0.13353 per Participation Unit and will be payable March 6, 2000.

  • SWX New Market: Performance Exceeds All Expectations

    Date 29/02/2000

    On Wednesday 1 March 2000, the SWX Swiss Exchange will initiate its new index covering price developments in the SWX New Market. This market segment was launched already in July of last year and is home to rapidly growing companies from Switzerland and abroad. The enclosed chart shows the explosive rise in the implied value of the SWX New Market Index during the first two months of 2000. The index has been effectively computed since 1 January of this year, and was pegged at a baseline value of 1

  • Osaka Mercantile Exchange RSS3 Futures And Rubber Index Futures Weekly Report

    Date 29/02/2000

    Distant month: opening 88.80 yen, a high 92.90 (Feb. 22), low 84.50 yen (Feb. 25), closing 84.70 yen. On February 21, OME RSS3 futures market opened slightly easier on long-liquidation due to the firmer yen with distant month falling to 88.8 yen. On the next day, the distant month went higher to 92.90 yen on fresh buying as the yen plunged to the 111 yen level. On February 23, the current month expired higher than expected at 77.90 yen as trading houses covered roughly a half of their positio

  • Osaka Mercantile Exchange Aluminium Futures Weekly Report

    Date 29/02/2000

    Distant month : opening 180.5 yen, a high 182.2 yen (Feb 22), a low 178.2 yen (Feb. 24), closing 179.9 yen. On February 21, OME Aluminium Futures opened easier as buyers kept to the sidelines with distant January contract unchanged from the Friday's close at 180.5 yen. In the afternoon, distant month steadied to 181.9 yen on light buying as LME three months aluminium managed to stay above the resistance at $1,630.