FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
ASX Announces Record Interim Profit After Tax And Before Abnormals
Date 23/02/2000
Australian Stock Exchange Limited ("ASX") today announced an operating profit after tax and before abnormal items for the six months to 31 December 1999 of $24.933 million, an increase of 51.7% from the $16.433 million recorded for the previous corresponding period.
WTB Futures On Recyclable Paper Are Launched On February 25, 2000
Date 22/02/2000
On and after 10:20 hrs on February 25 the first futures on recyclable paper can be traded at the Hanover Commodity Exchange (Warenterinbörse - WTB). These are the first futures of its kind world-wide.
SWX Swiss Exchange Launches A New Index - SWX New Market Index (SNMI®)
Date 22/02/2000
On 1 March, the SWX Swiss Exchange will begin publicising an index devoted specifically to the SWX New Market. The SWX New Market Index (SNMI) will reflect the price development of shares included in this market segment for rapidly growing domestic and foreign companies. The following two types of index will be computed: SWX New Market Index (Total Return); SWX New Market Index (Price). Weightings will be adjusted continuously to reflect the current market prices of SNMI shares.
Osaka Mercantile Exchange RSS3 Futures And Rubber Index Futures Weekly Report
Date 22/02/2000
Distant month: opening 88.30 yen, a high 92.50 (Feb. 17), low 84.70 yen (Feb. 15), closing 89.80 yen.
Osaka Mercantile Exchange Aluminium Futures Weekly Report
Date 22/02/2000
Distant month : opening 179.8 yen, a high 181.5 yen (Feb.17), a low 177.5 yen (Feb.16), closing 180.5 yen. On February 14, OME Aluminium Futures opened firmer with distant January contract at 179.8 yen, up 1.4 yen from the last Friday's close on short-covering due to the dollar's rise.
NASD Appoints Gordon F. Martin Chief Financial Officer
Date 22/02/2000
The National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD®) has appointed Gordon F. Martin, 52, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Martin starts at NASD today. Martin will be responsible for all financial matters throughout the organization. He will work closely with senior management to ensure that the financial implications of key business and regulatory decisions are carefully considered. Martin will assume the position's responsibilities from Sal Sodano, Chief Oper
London Stock Exchange Launches Web Price Service For Private Investors
Date 22/02/2000
A new Exchange website launched today caters specifically to the needs of private investors and investment clubs by offering free daily price updates with benchmarking and charting facilities.
Central Bank Of Iceland Weekly Repo Auction
Date 22/02/2000
The Central Bank of Iceland held a weekly auction for repurchase agreements on February 22 of the standard maturity of 14 days. The auction was a fixed rate one at 10.1 p.a. Offers were made for a total amount of ISK 18.6 billion resulting in repurchase contracts for that amount.
TSE: Toronto 35 Index Participation Fund ("35 Fund") - TSE 100 Index Participation Fund ("100 Fund")
Date 21/02/2000
The Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSE") today responded to inaccurate and misleading newspaper advertisements recently placed by State Street Global Advisors ("SSGA"). Richard Carleton, Vice President of Index and Market Data Services with the TSE said that he is concerned "that the content of the advertisements may be causing investor confusion in relation to the upcoming meetings of the unitholders of the 35 Fund and the 100 Fund."
TSE Closes Market Early
Date 21/02/2000
The Toronto Stock Exchange closed trading at 3:58pm because of a problem with the trading system.
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