Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Participant Certificates And Branch Certificates

    Date 08/03/2000

    The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong announces that all certificates representing holdings of Stock Exchange 'A' shares have ceased to have effect for any purposes as from March 6, 2000. The Membership Certificates and Branch Certificates issued prior to March 6, 2000 have also become void. They have been replaced by Exchange Participant Certificates and new Branch Certificates which should be displayed by Exchange Participants at their place of business under the Rules of the Exchange.

  • London Stock Exchange, CRESTCo And London Clearing House Announce Central Counterparty To Bring Benefits For Equity Market Users

    Date 08/03/2000

    The London Stock Exchange, CRESTCo and London Clearing House (LCH) today confirmed plans to introduce a central counterparty service for the Exchange's electronic order book in the first quarter of 2001.

  • LIFFE Commodity Products To Migrate To LIFFE CONNECT™ 4th Quarter 2000

    Date 08/03/2000

    The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) announced today its decision to migrate all its commodity contracts to its state-of-the-art electronic trading platform, LIFFE CONNECT™, following consultation with its members and market users. This is planned for the fourth quarter of 2000.

  • Delegation From HSBC Visits The Palestine Securities Exchange

    Date 08/03/2000

    A delegation from the HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) consisting of Mr. Nick Bryan, Head of Custody and Clearing, and Mr. Ziad Al- Basha, Manager of Custody and Clearing paid a visit to the Palestine Securities Exchange.

  • TSE Delays Market Opening To 10:30am

    Date 07/03/2000

    The Toronto Stock Exchange is further delaying the market opening until 10:30am to allow members to work with orders in their systems. The Toronto Stock Exchange detected a systems problem during the opening market process this morning. Corrective measures have been taken.

  • TSE Delays Market Opening To 10:00am

    Date 07/03/2000

    The Toronto Stock Exchange detected a systems problem during the opening market process this morning. Corrective measures have been taken. To allow for an orderly market opening, the official market opening has been delayed until 10:00am.

  • TSE And Barclays Complete TIPS/Iunits Mergers

    Date 07/03/2000

    The Toronto Stock Exchange announced that the mergers between the Toronto 35 Index Participation Fund (TIPS 35), the TSE 100 Index Participation Fund (TIPS 100) and the iUnits S&P/TSE 60 Index Participation Fund (i60 Fund) were completed today. The assets of the TIPS Funds were transferred to the i60 Fund at the last traded price of the stocks held by the TIPS Funds. The net asset value, based on the close of the portfolio securities, for the TIPS 35 Fund units was $50.8993, for the TIPS 100 F

  • Toronto Stock Exchange Delays And Outages

    Date 07/03/2000

    A series of technology-related incidents interrupted trading at the TSE today. The opening of trading was delayed, for one hour this morning, due to a problem related to a single hardware component (CPU) in the TSE's communications infrastructure.

  • The Central Bank Of Iceland Weekly Repo Auction

    Date 07/03/2000

    The Central Bank of Iceland held a weekly auction of repurchase agreements on March 7 of the standard maturity of 14 days. The auction was a fixed rate one at 10.1 per cent p.a. Offers were made for a total amount of 13.2 billion krónur resulting in repurchase contracts for that amount.

  • Tehran Stock Exchange Monthly Report - December 1999

    Date 07/03/2000

    During the 21 trading days of December, the volume of transactions and turnover registered at 264.6 million and IRR 949,599.5 million respectively. Meanwhile, the TSE Shares Price Index (TEPIX) continued its rise and closed at 1,989.73 at the end of December.