FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
New Member Begins NOREX Membership At The Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Date 16/03/2000
Yesterday, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange approved the Dutch bank Insinger de Beaufort as a new member of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange. Insinger de Beaufort is the first new member since the establishment in 1998 of the NOREX Alliance that is not already a member of the Stockholm Exchange.
Measures Aimed To Prevent Amsterdam Exchanges Trading Systems From Being Overloaded
Date 16/03/2000
With reference to the introduction of World Online to Amsterdam Exchanges on 17 March 2000, we would reiterate the relevance of the regulatory measures that may be taken to prevent the trading systems from being overloaded. To reduce the number of World Online orders offered to the Limit Order Book, Amsterdam Exchanges will allow Seatholders on the first day of trading in the security concerned to net orders with the same limit price. The same will apply to the cumulation of such orders. This me
Ljubljanska Stock Exchange Monthly Report - February
Date 16/03/2000
The total turnover of securities on the Exchange amounted to SIT 21.8 billion in February and was just slightly above the January figure of SIT 20.8 billion. The total turnover was SIT 22.8 billion in February. The comparison of the first two trading months of 2000 and of 1999 favours the 1999 turnover by almost 9%.
Kansas City Board of Trade To simplify Value Line' Stock Index Listings Effective Monday
Date 16/03/2000
The Kansas City Board of Trade will simplify its offerings on the Value Line stock index beginning Monday, trading one futures contract on the product rather than two. The KCBT will eliminate its Value Line stock index futures contract with a value of $250 times the futures price. It will drop the word "Mini" from the name of its Mini Value Line futures and options contract with a value of $100 times the futures price. This will leave the exchange trading one futures and options contract calle
Foreign Companies Will Be Included In The Copenhagen Stock Exchange's Indices
Date 16/03/2000
At the exchange board meeting yesterday, it was decided to make foreign companies constituents of the Exchange's indices. The amendment to the current rules will be implemented by 30 April 2000.
CBOT Launches 10-Year Agency Note Contracts
Date 16/03/2000
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) launched its newest financial contracts yesterday, 10-Year Agency Note futures and options based on Fannie Mae‚ Benchmark NotesSM and Freddie Mac Reference Notes SM. The new contracts complement the CBOT's benchmark Treasury complex and satisfy increasing customer demand for fixed income products. The CBOT is prepared to launch 5-year Agency Note contracts immediately after March 15 if the market demands it.
Carbon Trading Market Workshop Staged In Sydney
Date 16/03/2000
The Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) and State Forests of New South Wales conducted a two-day workshop devoted to the emerging market for carbon trading in Sydney, today and yesterday.
Amsterdam Exchanges N.V.'S 1999 Profits In Line With Expectations - Revenues From Stock Market Reach Record High - Fall In Revenues At Options Market Due To Lower Levels Of Turnover And Fee Cuts
Date 16/03/2000
Amsterdam Exchanges N.V.'s net profit for 1999 amounted to E 32 million (1998: E54 million), in line with expectations, while operating profit totalled E46 million (1998: E 78 million).
The Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Introduces Growth Enterprise Index
Date 15/03/2000
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong will introduce the Growth Enterprise Index (GEI) on March 20, 2000 to provide investors with a benchmark indicator to assess the movement of the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM).
SWX Swiss Exchange To Publish IPO Information On Internet
Date 15/03/2000
As of today, Wednesday, 15 March 2000, the SWX Swiss Exchange will begin providing at its Internet site a new information service covering imminent IPOs. SWX will publish in tabular form the names of the companies that have announced their intent to list securities on the SWX Swiss Exchange, the anticipated first trading day, the market segment in which the listing will be made, as well as the name of the sponsoring investment bank. The addition of a company to the list will take place at
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