FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
NYSE Board Endorses Market-Structure Report Recommending 'Network NYSE' - A Market Built On Customer Choice
Date 06/04/2000
The New York Stock Exchange board of directors today endorsed a report recommending a multi-platform market structure built on customer choice. This new structure will integrate new execution and information initiatives into the Exchange's agency-auction market without fragmenting the market, and retains the investor protections that are the hallmark of the NYSE.
Nymex Middle Eastern Sour Crude Oil Futures Contract To Be Launched May 4
Date 06/04/2000
The board of directors of the New York Mercantile Exchange last night agreed to introduce a Middle Eastern sour crude oil futures contract, based on the reported value of Oman and Dubai crude oils, beginning at 4 PM on May 4, which marks the start of the May 5 trading session.
New Record At The Montreal Exchange 205, 898 S&P/TSE 60 Futures Contracts Traded In March
Date 06/04/2000
The monthly volume for the S&P/TSE 60 Futures contract beat the 200,000 mark in March. The S&P/TSE 60 Futures contract, exclusively traded on the Montreal Exchange, reached a monthly volume of 205,898 contracts, representing a 37.7 per cent increase compared to its previous record of 149,300 contracts, reached in December 1999.
New Policy For Share Options Where Shares Cease To Be Listed On Amsterdam Exchanges
Date 06/04/2000
After publishing a consultation 1999, Amsterdam Exchanges discussed with market participants the policy for share options where shares cease to be listed. On the basis of this discussion, Amsterdam Exchanges formulated a new policy which essentially means that: In principle, Amsterdam Exchanges will maintain the option listing even though the "successor" is not officially listed on its stock market; If it is undesirable or impossible to maintain the option listing, the option position is settle
Nasdaq Preliminary First-Quarter 2000 Results - 45 Of 50 Largest Trading Sessions In The Quarter Daily Dollar Volume Averages $95 Billion - Daily Share Volume Averages 1.8 Billion
Date 06/04/2000
Daily volume on The Nasdaq Stock Market® averaged a record 1.8 billion shares in the first quarter, an increase of 81.8 percent from 988.2 million shares in the first quarter of 1999, and a gain of 33.6 percent from the fourth quarter last year. Of the 50 heaviest trading days ever on Nasdaq, 45 occurred in the first quarter. On February 17, 2000, the 2 billion milestone was surpassed for the first time, with more than 2.008 billion shares changing hands. Nasdaq's heaviest ever trading day occur
LMEX - Futures And Traded Options
Date 06/04/2000
The following member firms have confirmed to the Exchange that they are prepared to make markets in contracts derived from the LMEX index which commences trading on 10 April 2000.
Deutsche Börse Launches Segment For Exchange-Traded Index Funds - Fund Shares Tradable Continuously On The Exchange For The First Time - Funds Can Be Launched On Any Index - Additional Data Provide For Transparency - Designated Sponsors For Liquidity
Date 06/04/2000
On April 11, Deutsche Börse is launching XTF Exchange Traded Funds, a new market segment for exchange-traded index funds. Several products referring to the STOXX indexes will be listed for the launch. Deutsche Börse will thus be the first stock exchange in Europe to initiate trading in exchange-traded index funds in a segment of their own. The exchange is not an issuer itself but is making an attractive framework available with the necessary data in a new market segment.
CBOT 10-Year Agency Contracts Surpass Key Open Interest Milestone
Date 06/04/2000
Open interest for Agency futures contracts at the Chicago Board of Trade has surpassed 20,000 - a key liquidity milestone for a new product.
CBOE Appoints Edward J. Joyce As President And Chief Operating Officer
Date 06/04/2000
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) today announced that its Board of Directors has elected Edward J. Joyce as president and chief operating officer of CBOE, succeeding Charles J. (Chuck) Henry, effective July 1, 2000. Henry, who had announced plans for retirement several months ago, will serve in an advisory capacity until the end of the current calendar year.
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Sets Futures And Options Total Open Interest Record
Date 05/04/2000
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) established a new record total open interest in futures and options on April 3, 2000 at 126,733 contracts. The previous record for total open interest of 126,711 contracts was set October 14, 1999.
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