FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
CME, LCH, LIFFE Initiate World's First International Cross-Margining Program
Date 03/04/2000
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), London Clearing House (LCH) and the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) on Friday successfully initiated the world's first cross-margining program across international borders. The cross-margining program enables the CME and LCH to provide substantial risk-based cost savings to clearing member firms and their affiliates who have positions in the CME's Eurodollar contract and LIFFE's Euribor or Euro LIBOR contracts.
CME Marks Most Active First Quarter Ever
Date 03/04/2000
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) enjoyed its busiest first quarter ever, with continued explosive growth in equity index products leading the way and numerous individual products in all categories also setting records in March.
CME Lean Hog Futures Set Open Interest Records
Date 03/04/2000
For five consecutive sessions beginning on March 27, open interest in futures on lean hogs has set new records on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), culminating with a record 68,423 open positions on March 31. The previous record was set Feb. 7, 2000, with 61,033 open positions.
Central Bank Of Iceland Weekly Repo Auction 4/4/2000
Date 03/04/2000
The Central Bank offers a 10,1% rate on a 14 day repo of government securities, in its weekly repo auction, deadline Tue. 4. April at 11:00.
CBOT Sets Volume Record For 10-Year Agency Contracts, Announces 5-Year Agency Products To Launch May 3
Date 03/04/2000
On the heels of another record for daily trading volume in its 10-Year Agency Note futures contract, the Chicago Board of Trade announced today it will launch 5-Year Agency Note contracts May 3.
CBOE Sets Quarterly Record In March
Date 03/04/2000
Total option volume at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) set a new year-to-date volume record at the end of March, keeping the Exchange on track for another record-breaking year.
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 03/04/2000
Active trading continued as the market soared 2.9% driven by strength in bank stocks.
TSE Receives Government Approval For Demutualization
Date 31/03/2000
The Toronto Stock Exchange has received all necessary regulatory and ministerial consents to proceed with demutualization, effective April 3, 2000. On this date, the TSE will become a for-profit corporation known as "The Toronto Stock Exchange Inc." ("TSE Inc.") in English and "Bourse de Toronto Inc." in French. The TSE is the first stock exchange in North America to take this step.
The Future Of The FUTOP Market
Date 31/03/2000
The Danish FUTOP market grew steadily in the first years after the establishment, however, since 1995, turnover has plunged. Today, the trading volume is at a level where it is no longer profitable, neither for the clearing members nor for the Clearing Centre, to operate systems in which to trade and settle listed derivatives.
Stefan Halldorsson Resigns From Position Of President Of Iceland Stock
Date 31/03/2000
Mr. Stefan Halldorsson, the president of ISE, has decided to leave his position in the Exchange and has been recruited elsewhere. He resumes the position of general manager for the Pension Fund of Engineers in Iceland (Lifeyrissjodur verkfraedinga) next autumn.
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