FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
TSE Closes Market At 3:58PM Because Of System Failure
Date 05/04/2000
The Toronto Stock Exchange closed trading at 3:58pm because of a system software failure on the technology running the Computer Assisted Trading System.
Trading Edge Announces Strategic Partnership With The Chicago Board Options Exchange -World's Largest Options Marketplace To Implement And Co-Market Trading Edge's Leading Bondlink TM Technology, Enabling Investors To Trade FLEX Options Online
Date 05/04/2000
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), the world's largest options marketplace, and Trading Edge, Inc., a fixed-income securities broker and creator of BondLinkTM , the first anonymous, secure, real-time service for fixed income trading over the Internet, today announced a strategic partnership. The CBOE will implement and co-market a customized online trading system, based on Trading Edge's leading BondLink technology, which will enable investors to trade FLexible EXchange (FLEX®) options
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, At Istanbul FIBV Conference, Highlights Israel As Attractive For International Investors
Date 05/04/2000
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange's top officials, highlighting the advantages of investing in Israel for international investors, will deliver a presentation on Thursday, April 6, to the Global Emerging Markets Conference and Exhibition of the International Federation of Stock Exchanges (FIBV) in Istanbul, Turkey.
The Copenhagen Stock Exchange Equity Market Buzzes With Activity
Date 05/04/2000
In March 2000, share trading amounted to a record DKK 85 billion, up 32 per cent on February, which was the previous peak month. The average daily value of trading was DKK 3.5 billion, a 21 per cent rise on February 2000 and a 108 per cent rise on the same month last year.
SGX Derivatives Up 8½% In 1st Quarter - Taiwan Index Futures Break Monthly Record
Date 05/04/2000
Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited (SGX-DT) is pleased to announce that its trading volume has grown by a robust 8.5% in the 1st quarter. A total of 6,994,621 futures and options on futures contracts were traded from January to March 2000, compared to 6,447,336 contracts during the same period last year.
SGX Appoints Thomas Kloet As CEO
Date 05/04/2000
Singapore Exchange (SGX) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Thomas Kloet as its first Chief Executive Officer. Currently Senior Managing Director at ABN AMRO in Chicago, Mr Kloet will start his appointment with SGX on Monday, 24 April 2000.
Nymex To Lower Gold Margins
Date 05/04/2000
The New York Mercantile Exchange announced today that, effective at the close of business, margins on COMEX Division gold futures will be lowered to $1,500 per contract from $2,000 for members and hedgers and to $2,025 per contract from $2,700 for non-member speculators.
Nasdaq Sets New Share Volume Record
Date 05/04/2000
The Nasdaq Stock Market® announced yesterday that it experienced its heaviest trading session ever, with preliminary figures showing that nearly 2.9 billion shares changed hands. It was a session during which the Nasdaq Composite® Index endured an intra-day swing of 634 points, and the Nasdaq stock quotation system processed a record 6.5 million quote updates, eclipsing the previous record of 5.8 million.
More Than 22 Million Contracts Traded In The Paris Derivatives Markets In March - Volumes Up 25% In Q1 2000 Compared With Q1 1999
Date 05/04/2000
March trading volume in the derivatives markets operated by ParisBourse SBF SA was up slightly on February, with 22 million contracts traded compared with 21.9 million. In first-quarter 2000, more than 63 million contracts were traded versus 50.5 million for the same period in 1999, a rise of 24.8%.
London Stock Exchange Market Announcement
Date 05/04/2000
Following the technical problem that prevented the London stock market from opening this morning, Gavin Casey, Chief Executive of the London Stock Exchange, said: "The market opened at 3.45 p.m. this afternoon after a thorough investigation into the fault in the network that takes real-time price and other information from the central trading systems to our market users. "In order to enable investors to undertake their business, trading hours this evening have been extended to 6.30 p.m.
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