FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
CBOT Files Suit Over Exercise Right
Date 30/06/2000
The CBOT complaint seeks a declaration that its move to a Delaware not-for-profit corporation preserves the Exercise Right
CBOT Fed Funds Contract Sets New Volume Record, Year To-Date Volume Up 84% From Last Year
Date 30/06/2000
The Chicago Board of Trade announced yesterday that CBOT members set a new daily volume record in the 30-day Federal Funds futures contract yesterday, trading 24,299 contracts. The record was set on the same day as the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, at which the target Federal Funds interest rate is determined for the cash market.
AEX Open Until 5PM As From July 3
Date 30/06/2000
With effect from 3 July 2000 all trading at Amsterdam Exchanges stock market and all trading at Amsterdam Exchanges options market will end at 5.00 p.m.
Program Trading Averaged 20.6 Percent Of NYSE Volume During June 19 - June 23
Date 29/06/2000
The New York Stock Exchange today released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for June 19 - June 23
Deutsche Börse And EMETRA To Set Up B2B Internet Metal Derivatives Platform - Goal Is To Become The Leading Market Place For Non Ferrous Metals - Deutsche Börse To Expand Its E-Commerce Activities - Deutsche Börse And The Derivatives Arm Of London Based M
Date 29/06/2000
EMETRA today announced that they will cooperate to set up a B2B internet platform to trade non-ferrous metal derivatives. The two partners said on Thursday that they have signed a letter of intent on this matter.
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Error In The Calculation Of The KFMX Index
Date 29/06/2000
In continuation of a revision of the KFMX Index on Monday 26 June 2000 an error occurred in the calculation of the KFMX. Consequently, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange has subsequently had to recalculate the closing values of the KFMX. They are as follows:
CME Sets July 10 Launch Date For Class IV Milk Futures - Class IV Milk Options To Begin Trading July 11
Date 29/06/2000
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) announced it will begin trading class IV milk futures on July 10, followed by Class IV milk options on July 11.
CBOT Membership Overwhelmingly Approves Historic Step In Restructuring Initiative With Nearly 91% Favorable Vote - Exchange Moves Towards Implementation Of Remaining Steps Of Restructuring Strategy
Date 29/06/2000
Chicago Board of Trade members yesterday overwhelmingly voted in favor of implementation of the initial step of the Exchange's strategy to restructure as a for-profit, demutualized organization, with 90.7% of the votes cast in support. This initial step will allow the CBOT to reincorporate as a Delaware non-stock, not-for-profit corporation, which will serve to facilitate the CBOT's future restructuring efforts.
CBOE: June 30, 2000, Special Closing Rotations Early Exercise Advice Cutoff Time
Date 29/06/2000
This Regulatory Circular sets forth the closing times and the procedures that will apply to the close of trading in domestic broad-based index options on June 30, 2000.
Toronto Stock Exchange Announces Listing Requirements For Technology Companies
Date 28/06/2000
The Board of Directors of the Toronto Stock Exchange approved new listing requirements for technology companies. The TSE adopted the new criteria in recognition of the growth and importance of the technology sector in Canada and to clarify the TSE's approach for evaluating listing applications from the technology sector.
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