Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Court Issues Permanent Injunction Against Cybersquatters In Dispute With Nasdaq Over Domain Name Ownership - Settlement Agreement Reached To Transfer Ownership Of Domain Name To Nasdaq

    Date 15/06/2000

    The Nasdaq Stock Market® (Nasdaq) announced today that the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia issued an order on June 12 directing that ownership of the domain names "NASDAQEUROPE.COM" and "NASDAQEUROPE.NET" be transferred to Nasdaq. This order follows a settlement agreement reached by Nasdaq with United Kingdom-based Deltacross Limited, after Nasdaq filed legal proceedings against Deltacross for infringement of the "Nasdaq" trademark. The order also permanently enjoins De

  • CFTC Approves CME Rule Changes Related To For-Profit Plan

    Date 15/06/2000

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today approved the rule changes proposed by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) associated with the exchange's plan to become a for-profit corporation. The revisions principally concern governance of the institution when it transforms from a membership-owned, not-for-profit entity and the separation of ownership of shares from trading privileges.

  • Amsterdam Exchanges Calculates The First European Public Real Estate Index

    Date 15/06/2000

    The European Public Real Estate Association in conjunction with Amsterdam Exchanges calculate and publish a new European index on real estate, the EPRA Index. Amsterdam Exchanges will announce on a quarterly basis the outcome of the periodic review of the index. Amsterdam Exchanges calculate the index every 15 seconds making the EPRA Index Europe's first real time index focused on the European real estate sector. The EPRA Index contains approximately 90 public quoted real estate companies in 14

  • WCE Breaks Annual Volume Records During Tenth Month Of Trading-Year

    Date 14/06/2000

    Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) surpassed several crop-year volume records during early June. Records in total futures and options crop-year volume, total futures crop-year volume, as well as new highs in canola futures crop-year volume are now being made daily.

  • Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong May Market Statistics

    Date 14/06/2000

    Although market turnover increased slightly in May, daily turnover value dropped to the lowest for 2000 at HKD6, 515 million on the 9th.

  • Nymex To Increase Margins On Electricity Futures

    Date 14/06/2000

    The New York Mercantile Exchange will raise the margins on its California/Oregon border and PaloVerde electricity futures contracts and on the July and August 2000 contracts for Cinergy, Entergy, and Pennsylvania/New Jersey/Maryland (PJM) electricity futures as of the close of business today.

  • Kuwait Stock Exchange Trading Report For May 2000

    Date 14/06/2000

    The index of the Kuwait Stock Exchange reached 1455.3 points at the end of May, an increase of 54.3 points from the closing value at the end of April.

  • Tick Size In Nasdaq 100 Futures To Increase Beginning June 18

    Date 13/06/2000

    The tick size for Nasdaq 100 Index futures traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) will be increased to 0.50 index points from its current level of 0.05 index points beginning with the after-hours GLOBEX®2 electronic trading session on Sunday, June 18, the CME announced. The change will make the Nasdaq 100 tick size the same as that of the E-mini Nasdaq 100.

  • SEC Orders Securities Markets To Phase In Decimal Pricing On September 5, 2000

    Date 13/06/2000

    The Securities and Exchange Commission today ordered the exchanges and Nasdaq to submit a plan to phase in decimal pricing for listed stocks and certain options starting no later than September 5, 2000, and to phase in decimal pricing for Nasdaq securities beginning no later than March 12, 2001. All securities must be priced in decimals no later than April 9, 2001.

  • Nymex To Change Platinum Options Expiration Schedule

    Date 13/06/2000

    The New York Mercantile Exchange has applied to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to change the expiration schedule for its platinum options contract to the third Wednesday of the month preceding the contract month.