FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Stock Exchange of Thailand Revamps Its Strategies In 2001
Date 19/03/2001
The Stock Exchange of Thailand has announced that it will revamp its strategies in the year 2001, focusing on putting down roots and strengthening the stock market, using a pro-active strategy to increase new companies to be listed as well as to expand its investor base.
LIFFE To Trade Swapnote® From Tuesday 20 March 2001
Date 19/03/2001
The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) is to start trading its suite of Swapnote® futures contracts from tomorrow (Tuesday 20 March 2001).
HKEx Strengthens Derivatives Market Infrastructure With OM's SECUR Clearing System
Date 19/03/2001
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) is strengthening its derivatives market infrastructure with the implementation of the SECUR clearing system developed by OM. HKEx also expects to enter into a five-year support agreement with OM for the system. In addition, HKEx expects to enter into a new five-year support agreement with OM for the CLICK system, which HKEx purchased from OM in 1994. The estimated combined order value will be just below SEK 120 million.
Euronext Launches Futures On Dow Jones Sector Indices
Date 19/03/2001
Today, Euronext launches ten new futures on Dow Jones STOXX SMsector indices.
Deutsche Börse Proposes Dividend Of 3 Euros And Stock Split To Annual General Meeting - CFO Hlubek: "Investments In The Future" - Ten New Shares For One Old One In The Stock Split
Date 19/03/2001
The Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Deutsche Börse AG will propose to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) that a dividend of three euros per share be disbursed, as Deutsche Börse reported in an ad hoc announcement on Monday evening. All of the new shares from the capital increase in the framework of the initial public offering on February 5 this year are also entitled to receive a dividend.
CBOT: The Final Settlement Prices Of March Futures, Contracts
Date 19/03/2001
The Final Settlement Prices of March Futures, Contracts were issued today.
CBOT To Launch New Mortgage Futures, Options On March 23, 2001
Date 19/03/2001
The Chicago Board of Trade will launch its new Mortgage futures and options contracts on Friday, March 23, 2001, starting at 9:00 a.m. (Chicago time) in open outcry. The contracts will begin trading on the a/c/eSM electronic trading system at 8:00 p.m. (Chicago time) on Sunday, March 25, 2001.
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 19/03/2001
While global markets tumbled, the DCI soared 63.97 points (3.9%) to close the week at 1688.99 points, driven by bullish sentiment following a positive country rating by Moody’s, one of the world’s most renowned credit rating agencies.
Botswana Stock Exchange Company News
Date 19/03/2001
ABCH announced its results for the year ended 31 December 2000. Net interest income rose a strong 41% to P96.9m. Total income went up 85% to P203.7m, while operating expenses rose 63% to P87.1m. Profit before tax and exceptional items grew a strong 78% to P100.4m. However, additional bad debts provisions of P46.8m resulted in profit before tax declining by 13% to P46.9m. The net result was a decline of 50% in earnings to P21.2m. The company says that the one-off bad debt charges were due to hist
IPE Electricity Futures Go Live
Date 16/03/2001
The IPE will launch its Electricity futures contract on Monday 19 March 2001, following the confirmation yesterday by Peter Hain, Energy Minister, that NETA will go-ahead as planned, on 27 March.
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