Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Euronext Amsterdam: Good Month For Bond Trading

    Date 07/03/2001

    February was a particularly good month for bond trading at Euronext Amsterdam's stock market. Turnover in bonds was up 12% on the same month last year, representing an increase of 23.4% for the first two months of 2001. So far this year, total turnover at the stock market has exceeded ? 385 billion (counting both sides of transactions), a rise of 9.3% compared to the first two months of 2000. Almost ? 163 billion (counting both sides of transactions) in shares and bonds was traded, representing

  • CME Contract Specifications Changes: Class III Milk Contract

    Date 07/03/2001

    Effective March 12, 2001, the Class III Milk contract will have a new listing cycle. It will include an additional six months, meeting the marketplace's request for a full eighteen months of hedging protection. Mini Milk options are to be delisted as of the same date.

  • CHX Year-To-Date Volume Shows Steady Growth

    Date 07/03/2001

    The Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX), the second largest U.S. stock exchange, continues to prove itself with year to date share volume up 31 percent and trade volume up 4 percent. February share volume reached 42,474,489 up 10 percent from last February, while trade volume ended at 4,620,835, a 10 percent decrease over the same period last year reflecting the slow down in the financial industry.

  • Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Sets New Single-Day Volume Level In May Canola Futures Contract

    Date 06/03/2001

    Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) continues to witness record volume levels into the month of March.

  • MidAm's February Volume At 57,621 Contracts

    Date 06/03/2001

    The MidAmerica Commodity Exchange, a wholly-owned affiliate of the Chicago Board of Trade, announced today trading volume of 57,621 contracts for February 2001.