FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
RTS: The List Of Securities Employed In The RTS Index Calculation - With Effect From January 1, 2002 The RTS Indices Will Be Calculated On The Basis Of 63 Shares
Date 26/12/2001
According to the RTS Index calculation methodology the RTS Information Committee made a decision to calculate the RTS Index and RTS Technical Index on the basis of quotes and trades for 63 securities admitted to trading on the RTS Stock Exchange. The new list will be effective since January 1 to March 31, 2002.
Nymex To Extend Natural Gas Trading Hours Tomorrow
Date 26/12/2001
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., will extend trading in its natural gas futures and options contracts to 2:45 PM from their regular closing time of 2:30 PM. in response to a change in schedule, due to the holidays, of the release by the American Gas Association (AGA) of results of its weekly storage survey report.
NYBOT Announces New Cotton & Sugar 14 Margin Requirements
Date 26/12/2001
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®) announced that effective with the opening of business on Wednesday, December 26, 2001, and until further notice, members will require from customers who are members or members of the trade the following margin rates:
Fee Reduction For Customers Trading CME Foreign Exchange Spreads On GLOBEX® Takes Effect Jan. 2
Date 26/12/2001
Beginning next Wednesday, Jan. 2, Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) will reduce its fees by $0.25 per side for each foreign exchange futures spread contract executed electronically on CME's GLOBEX®* electronic trading platform.
Tokyo Stock Exchange: Dealing Suspension Upon Goldman Sachs (Japan) Ltd.
Date 25/12/2001
TSE imposed suspension of stock dealing in TSE market upon Goldman Sachs (Japan) from 25th December 2001 to 11th January 2002, pursuant to the Trading Participant Rule.
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P Canadian Indices
Date 24/12/2001
Standard & Poor's will make the following changes in the S&P/CDNX Composite Index: Polyphalt Inc. will change its ticker from YPY to PMA. This change will be effective after the close of trading on Monday, December 24, 2001. The company is classified by the CDNX as a 'Research and Manufacturing of Asphalt Paving and Roofing' company. There is no change in the company's name or CUSIP number.
NZSE Appoints Three Independent Directors
Date 24/12/2001
The New Zealand Stock Exchange has appointed three independent directors as part of its progression towards a demutualised structure and commercial operation, chairman Simon Allen announced on December 20.
HKEx: Contract Adjustment Of Kookmin Bank Futures And Options On Kookmin Bank Futures In Relation To Stock Dividend
Date 24/12/2001
HKFE Clearing Corporation Limited (HKCC), a wholly-owned member of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) Group, will adjust the contract terms of all open futures contracts on shares of Kookmin Bank and all open options contracts on Kookmin Bank Futures before the market open on the ex-dividend date of Thursday, 27 December 2001 to take account of the 6 per cent stock dividend of Kookmin Bank as announced by the Bank.
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 24/12/2001
It was a fairly active week as all but three counters traded with the index almost flat for the week but still at a record high of 2447.41.
Botswana Stock Exchange Company News
Date 24/12/2001
Sefalana has withdrawn its cautionary announcement.
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