Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Nymex Achieves 5th Consecutive Annual Record In Nymex Division Options Trading

    Date 07/01/2002

    Options trading volume in 2001 set an annual volume record for the fifth consecutive year on the NYMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., in addition to annual volume records which were set in natural gas options, unleaded gasoline futures and options, COMEX Division copper futures, and trading on NYMEX ACCESS7, the Exchange's internet-based electronic trading system.

  • Nasdaq Expands Primex Auction System Trading To All Stocks In The S&P 100 Index

    Date 07/01/2002

    The Nasdaq Stock Market® announced today that it has expanded the list of securities eligible to trade on the Primex Auction System™ to include all component stocks of the S & P 100 Index. The seven Nasdaq®-listed securities now available to trade on the Primex Auction System are: Intel, Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Amgen, Nextel, and MedImmune.

  • International Securities Exchange Grows On Solid Foundation - Significant Achievements Attained In 2001

    Date 07/01/2002

    The year 2001 proved pivotal for ISE, as many additional milestones were achieved. These included new market share records, several daily volume records, growing demand for ISE memberships (both market makers and Electronic Access Members), a major technology upgrade and a leadership role in industry initiatives.

  • HKEx: Guide On Disclosure Of Price-sensitive Information

    Date 07/01/2002

    The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), published today (Monday) a Guide on Disclosure of Price-sensitive Information.

  • Euronext N.V. Key Indicators - December 2001

    Date 07/01/2002

    Equities - Resilient 2001 trading defies difficult market conditions Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris, 7 January 2002 - Trading activity in December was affected by the higher than usual number of closing days, due mainly to preparations for the introduction of the physical euro. Equity trading on the orderbooks of Euronext N.V. totalled €103.14 billion during the 17 trading days of December 2001 - the last 10 days of the month included only three trading days.