FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
NYMEX: Exchange Eliminates Limits On Number Of Electronic Trading Privileges
Date 14/12/2001
The board of directors of the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., voted this morning to eliminate the limit on the number of participants that can hold electronic trading privileges on NYMEX ACCESS® internet-based electronic trading platform.
Minneapolis Grain Exchange Revised Holiday Schedule
Date 14/12/2001
The Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) board of directors approved the addition of December 24, 2001, as an official Exchange Holiday for the year 2001. The following is the MGEX schedule for the upcoming holidays:
Minneapolis Grain Exchange Receives CFTC Approval For Electronic Trading
Date 14/12/2001
The Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) received approval yesterday from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) for the rules and regulations that support MGEXpress, the Exchange's electronic trading platform. The electronic trading rules and regulations were submitted to the CFTC under the 45-day approval track and were approved nearly two weeks prior to the end of that period. MGEXpress is scheduled to debut on February 15, 2002.
London Stock Exchange: Record Boost For AIM
Date 14/12/2001
AIM, the London Stock Exchange's international market for growing companies, today welcomed five new companies to its ranks - a record for a single day. Cabouchon Collection plc, Expomedia plc, Inditherm plc, Stagecoach Theatre Arts plc and Telford Homes plc are between them aiming to raise over £14 million through their IPOs.
HKEx: New ISFO Contract Specifications And Trading Procedures To Be Effective 7 January
Date 14/12/2001
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) has amended the contract specifications and trading procedures for International Stock Futures and Options (ISFO) to reduce their transaction costs and strengthen their competitiveness. The changes will become effective on 7 January 2002.
Eurex Expands Euro Repo Facility - New Functionality Enables Selection Of Certain Repo Securities - Thirteen Participants Admitted
Date 14/12/2001
Eurex, the international exchange organization, wants to expand its facility for the fully electronic euro repo market further. As of December 17, Eurex Repo is making a so-called Auto-GC Completion functionality available to the market. This functionality supports the participants in active delivery management and will further simplify the Euro GC (General Collateral) repo business: The participants can specify their portfolio in German government securities and jumbo Pfandbrief issues
Closure Of Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange - December 25
Date 14/12/2001
The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) wishes to announce that the offices of the KLSE Group will be closed in conjunction with Christmas Day on Tuesday, 25 December 2001. The offices of the KLSE Group will resume operations on Wednesday, 26 December 2001.
Stock Exchange of Thailand Announced New List Of Securities To Be Included In The Calculation Of SET50 Index: TPI And CCET Added
Date 13/12/2001
Ms Sopawadee Lertmanaschai, Senior Vice President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), announced that the SET had selected a new list of securities to be included in the calculation of SET50 Index for 1 January - 30 June 2002 period. Two securities are added in the list: Thai Petrochemical Industries Plc (TPI) from the Chemical and Plastic Products Sector, and Cal Comp Electronics (Thailand) Plc (CCET) from Electronic Components Sector. These two securities replace The Cogeneration Plc (COCO
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P Canadian Indices
Date 13/12/2001
Standard & Poor's will make the following changes in the S&P Global 1200, TSE 300 Composite, TSE 300 Capped, S&P/TSE 60, S&P/TSE 60 Capped, TSE 100 and S&P/TSE Canadian Gold Sector Indices. These changes will be effective after the close of trading on Friday, December 14, 2001.
SGX And SGX To Launch Co-Trading Link On 20 December 2001
Date 13/12/2001
Singapore Exchange Ltd (SGX) and Australian Stock Exchange Ltd (ASX) today announced that the ASX-SGX co-trading linkage, the first such facility in the world, will go live from 20 December 2001.
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