FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
2001 - Record Year For IPE
Date 10/01/2002
In 2001 the IPE, Europe's leading energy futures and options exchange, recorded the highest ever-traded volume in its 21-year history. Total market volume increased overall, with daily and monthly records set throughout the entire year.
Securities And Exchange Commission: New Directors Named For Legislative, Public Affairs
Date 09/01/2002
Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey L. Pitt yesterday announced the appointment of new directors for the SEC's legislative affairs office and public affairs office.
OneChicago Appoints Robert Walsh As Managing Director Of Operations
Date 09/01/2002
William J. Rainer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of OneChicago, LLC, the joint venture created to trade single stock futures by Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME), Chicago Board Options Exchange® (CBOE®), and Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT®), today announced the appointment of Robert Walsh to serve as Managing Director of Operations for OneChicago.
NYMEX: Exchange To Lower Natural Gas Margins
Date 09/01/2002
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced that it would lower the margins on its natural gas futures and swaps contracts as of the close of business tomorrow.
International Securities Exchange Trades 75-Millionth Contract
Date 09/01/2002
Yesterday, the ISE traded its 75-millionth contract since the launch of trading on May 26, 2000. This significant milestone comes on the heels of ISE completing an impressive first full calendar year of operation as the only fully electronic options market in the U.S.
Instinet Announces U.S. Share Volume For December 2001
Date 09/01/2002
Instinet Group Incorporated (Nasdaq: INET) announced today that its U.S. equity volume in December 2001 totaled 4,734 million shares. This compared to 5,423 million shares in November 2001 and 6,790 million shares in December 2000.
Delay In Delivery Of Mail To SEC
Date 09/01/2002
Due to U.S. Postal Service security procedures for mail to be delivered to government agencies, filings and other documents mailed to the Commission are being received on a delayed basis. Any party having sent documents to the Commission should take appropriate measures. Members of the public should pay attention to dates contained in the filings. Filings made electronically on the Commission's EDGAR system have not been affected.
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Successful Auction In Government Securities In The Exchange's Trading System
Date 09/01/2002
Yesterday, Danmarks Nationalbank held an auction in the Saxess trading system in the new treasury note 4 per cent 2004. This is the first time that the Nationalbanken has used the new match sub-market for an auction in a government security. The auction received great interest, and the traded amount totalled just over DKK 5 billion in the new sub-market, corresponding to just over 55 per cent of the total trading volume in the security, which was just under DKK 9 billion.
Chicago Stock Exchange 2001 And December Volume Results
Date 09/01/2002
The CHX share volume decreased by 2 percent from December 2000. Total trade volume was down 33 percent from December 2000. Total OTC share volume declined to 785,980,586, a decrease of 30 percent from December 2000. OTC trade volume was down 57 percent for the same period last year.
CBOE Trading Schedule For Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Date 09/01/2002
The Chicago Board Options Exchange® (CBOE®) today announced the following trading schedule in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:
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- 19791
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- 19793
- 19794
- 19795
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- 19798
- 19799
- 19800
- 19801
- 19802
- 19803
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- 19805
- 19806
- 19807
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