Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Japan Securities Dealers Association, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Osaka Securities Exchange, Nagoya Stock Exchange, Sapporo Securities Exchange And Fukuoka Stock Exchange Agree To Establish A Unified Clearing Organization In Japan

    Date 16/01/2002

    Japan Securities Dealers Association, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd., Nagoya Stock Exchange, Sapporo Securities Exchange and Fukuoka Stock Exchange (hereafter referred to as "Market Provider(s))" today announced that they have agreed to establish a unified clearing organization in Japan. The board of each Market Provider has given the approval to the initiative.

  • HKEx: Notice Period Of Proposed Withdrawal Of Listing

    Date 16/01/2002

    Rule 6.11(3) of the Main Board Listing Rules and Rule 9.19(3) of the GEM Listing Rules require that an issuer whose primary listing is on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (the Exchange) and which has an alternative listing on another exchange may not voluntarily withdraw its listing on the Exchange unless it has given its shareholders at least 3 months notice of the proposed withdrawal of the listing. Issuers listed on the Exchange who wish to withdraw its listing on one board and to apply for li

  • Eurex Is Launching Two New Stock Options - Attractiveness Of Product Portfolio Enhanced With Options On ASML Holding And Sulzer AG

    Date 16/01/2002

    Eurex, the international derivatives market, is continuing to expand its product portfolio in equity derivatives: As of 21 January 2002, the world's leading derivatives market will offer two new equity options, on ASML Holding and Sulzer AG. As in all options at Eurex, the options on ASML and Sulzer will be supported by professional market-making to ensure the necessary underlying liquidity in the new products. With the new options on ASML and Sulzer, a total of 107 international equity options

  • Computershare And Deutsche Börse In Joint Venture To Provide Share Registry Services In Germany

    Date 16/01/2002

    Deutsche Börse AG, the leading European exchange and technology organization today announced a joint venture with Computershare Ltd. Deutsche Börse and Computershare, the world's largest and only global share registry and a leading technology provider for the global securities industry, will form a joint venture to offer share registration and related services in the German market and at a later stage in continental Europe. Among the services the new company will provide are general assembly or

  • CMS WebView plc launches DDFView<SUP>™</SUP>

    Date 16/01/2002

    As part of the continued drive to increase global coverage of its product range, CMS WebView plc (CMS) is pleased to announce the launch of DDFView™ - the company's new generation Digital Data Feed (DDF) decryption and delivery software - designed to cater for both real-time and delayed exchange data.

  • Bill Foster To Stand Down From NZSE This Year

    Date 16/01/2002

    The Managing Director of the NZSE, Bill Foster, intends to step aside from his current position this year, once the Board has appointed a suitable replacement, NZSE Chairman, Simon Allen said today.

  • Toronto Stock Exchange Amends Listing Details For Debenture Issues

    Date 15/01/2002

    The TSE has enhanced its trading system to accommodate U.S.-style corporate debentures. This enhancement attempts to further meet the needs of issuers on both sides of the border.

  • The Committee Of European Securities Regulators - Final Round Of Consultation By CESR On Standards For Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs)

    Date 15/01/2002

    CESR published yesterday, for a second round of consultation, revised proposals for common European standards for Alternative Trading Systems (Ref. CESR/02-001). These have been prepared by an expert group chaired by Howard Davies, Chairman of the UK Financial Services Authority. Also published today was a feedback statement summarising the responses received in the first consultation round (Ref. CESR/02-002).

  • SEC Censures KPMG For Auditor Independence Violation

    Date 15/01/2002

    The Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday censured KPMG LLP, a big-five accounting firm based in New York City, for engaging in improper professional conduct because it purported to serve as an independent accounting firm for an audit client at the same time that it had made substantial financial investments in the client. The SEC found that KPMG violated the auditor independence rules by engaging in such conduct. KPMG consented to the SEC's order without admitting or denying the SEC's fi

  • NYSE Suspends Trading In Enron Corp. And Related Securities And Moves To Remove From The List

    Date 15/01/2002

    The New York Stock Exchange announced today that it determined that the common stock of Enron Corp. (the "Company") and its related securities, including the 7% Exchangeable Notes due July 31, 2002, and the $10.50 Cumulative Second Preferred Convertible Stock-- ticker symbols ENE, EXG, ENE Pr J, respectively-- as well as the derivative securities of Enron Capital Trust I, Enron Capital Trust II, Enron Capital Resources, L.P., and Enron Capital LLC-- ticker symbols ENE Pr T, ENE Pr R, ENE Pr A a