FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
KCBT Changes Minimum Margins For Trading Wheat
Date 24/09/2002
The Kansas City Board of Trade has raised its minimum margins for wheat futures contracts. The changes, effective tomorrow, come as a result of increased market volatility and are as follows:
International Securities Exchange Reduces Order Exposure Time - Facilitation Order Exposure Reduced From 30 To 10 Seconds
Date 24/09/2002
This Friday, September 27, the ISE will implement a rule revision, approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which reduces the time that the facilitation mechanism exposes such an order to the trading "crowd" from 30 seconds to 10 seconds.
Euronext Hosts World Federation Of Exchanges Annual Meeting
Date 24/09/2002
The 42nd annual meeting of the World Federation of Exchanges will be held in Amsterdam from 6 to 10 October 2002, featuring speeches by: His Royal Highness Crown Prince Willem Alexander Frits Bolkestein, European Commissioner Wim Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank
Dynegy Settles Securities Fraud Charges Involving SPEs, Round-Trip Energy Trades - Company Will Pay $3 Million Civil Penalty, Cease And Desist From Violating Anti-Fraud Provisions Of Federal Securities Laws
Date 24/09/2002
The Securities and Exchange Commission filed a settled enforcement action today against Dynegy Inc., in connection with accounting improprieties and misleading statements by the Houston-based energy production, distribution and trading company. The Commission's case arises from (i) Dynegy's improper accounting for and misleading disclosures relating to a $300 million financing transaction, known as Project Alpha, involving special-purpose entities (SPEs), and (ii) Dynegy's overstatement of its e
CBOT Fed Watch
Date 24/09/2002
In advance of this week's Federal Open Market Committee meeting on September 24, the Chicago Board of Trade will be reporting daily rate change probabilities in the FOMC's federal funds target rate, as indicated by the CBOT® 30-Day Federal Funds futures contract. The CBOT® 30-Day Federal Funds futures contract is a key benchmark interest rate barometer that reflects the overnight effective rate for excess reserves that are traded among commercial banks in the U.S. federal funds market.<
ASX: Towers Perrin Study Of 10-Year Investments 1991-2001
Date 24/09/2002
The results of the latest Towers Perrin investment research highlight the importance of considering the after-tax returns and all the associated costs when making an informed and successful investment decision.
SWX: Tamedia AG To Remain In The SPI
Date 23/09/2002
Contrary to the message of 2 September 2002, the securities of Tamedia AG (ISIN CH0011178255) will not be excluded from the SPI. This was decided by the SWX Swiss Exchange. The independent auditors confirm in a report that the relevant free float value for calculating the index is greater than the SWX had expected on the basis of the available information. According to the report, the majority shareholders who are party to a shareholder agreement own more than 76.09% of the shares of Tamedia AG.
Singapore Exchange And Tokyo Commodity Exchange Sign Licensing Agreement With Platts
Date 23/09/2002
Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX) and the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) today announced that they have signed a licensing agreement with Platts, the world's largest energy information provider and a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., to use Platts' Middle East benchmarks for the SGX and TOCOM Middle East Crude Oil (MECO) Futures Contracts.
Russian Trading System: Weekly Market Information
Date 23/09/2002
During the week of July 29th - August 2nd, 2002, the RTS Index rose 327.96, up 1.60% on July 26th 322.80. The RTS Technical Index gained 1.18% to close at 360.19.
Russian Trading System Bonds: Weekly Market Information
Date 23/09/2002
For the week of July 29th - August 2nd, trading volume in the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading of corporate, government, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, increased 4.2 times to 2 332 thousand dollars, up from 551 thousand dollars the previous week. The number of trades doubled, from 10 to 20.
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