FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Syariah Day At KLSE Investors' Week 2002 Promotes Islamic Based Investments
Date 26/09/2002
Market demand for Syariah based investment products is on the rise with more investors showing keen interest in these products.
Revised December 31st Holiday Trading Schedule For CSCE And NYCE And Last Trading Day For January 2003 Sugar No. 11
Date 26/09/2002
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®)announced today that at its last meeting, the Boards of Managers of theCoffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange, Inc. (CSCE) and the New York CottonExchange (NYCE) revised the 2002 Holiday Schedule to rescind thepreviously declared half trading day schedule for Tuesday, December 31, 2002.
Program Trading Averaged 38.3 Percent Of NYSE Volume During Sept. 16-Sept. 20, 2002
Date 26/09/2002
The New York Stock Exchange today released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for Sept. 16-Sept. 20, 2002.
Pre-Close Trading Update London Stock Exchange Plc
Date 26/09/2002
Unless otherwise stated, the following commentary refers to the five months ended 31 August 2002 and, where appropriate, the corresponding period last year.
NYMEX Sets Record For NYMEX Division Seat Sale
Date 26/09/2002
A seat on the NYMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. sold today for a record $1,110,000, exceeding the $1,100,000 sale on July 25, 2002.
MSCI Taiwan Index Options Open Interest Sets Records For Two Consecutive Days
Date 26/09/2002
The open interest records for MSCI Taiwan Index Options were broken on 24 and 25 Sep 2002, at 5,875 and 6,059 contracts respectively.
Meeting Of The Board Of Oslo Børs On 25 September 2002: Bankaktiebolaget JP Nordiska To Be A New Member Of Oslo Børs - Request To Consolidate Shareholders In Frontier Drilling ASA Rejected
Date 26/09/2002
At its meeting 25 September the Board of Oslo Børs agreed to admit Bankaktiebolaget JP Nordiska as a member of Oslo Børs. At the same meeting the Board rejected a request to consolidate the two largest shareholders in Frontier Drilling ASA. The request to consolidate the shareholdings was made against the background that if the two largest shareholders were consolidated they would then be required, under the terms of the Securities Trading Act, to make an offer for the company.
International Securities Exchange Introduces ISEline<SUP>TM</SUP> - Proprietary Communications System Activated
Date 26/09/2002
The ISE announced that it has implemented a new service that enhances the level of automated information sharing between the Exchange and its member firms. ISElineTM, an internet-based instant messaging system, provides direct, real-time communications between the ISE Market Control Center, market makers, and member firm trading desks and service centers.
HKFE Announces Revised Margins For Futures Contracts
Date 26/09/2002
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), announced that with effect from the commencement of trading on Friday, 27 September 2002, the minimum margins to be collected by an Exchange Participant from its clients in respect of their dealings in the following futures contracts will be as outlined in the table below. The adjustments are based on the cl
Deutsche Börse: DAX Trend Indicator Now Online - Sentiment Index On Deutsche Börse Website
Date 26/09/2002
Starting Thursday, Deutsche Börse publishes a sentiment index for the DAX German blue-chip index. The sentiment index is a trend indicator and reflects the investors' assessement of future market trends. The index will be calculated on a weekly basis and will be published every Thursday before the market opens. The index is now online on www.deutsche-böerse.com/ marketinfo .
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