Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • ASX Provides A Century Of Historic Company Records To The Public

    Date 19/11/2002

    For more than one hundred years, companies listed on the various Australian stock exchanges have submitted annual reports, financial reports, articles of association and memorandum, trust deeds, notices of changes in major shareholders and many other types of disclosure.

  • Tokyo Stock Exchange: Changes In S&P/TOPIX 150

    Date 18/11/2002

    Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) and Standard & Poor' s (S&P) will make the following changes in S&P/TOPIX 150.

  • Russian Trading System - Order-Driven Stock Market Data: 4-15 November 2002

    Date 18/11/2002

    For the period of November 4th - November 15th, 2002, securities traded on the Order-driven market 10 819 times. Total turnover reached 3.057 billion rubles with 304.3 million shares changing hands. Average daily turnover grew 1.2% to 340 million rubles compared to the previous week's average of 336 million rubles.

  • Russian Trading System - Classic Stock Market Data: 4-15 November 2002

    Date 18/11/2002

    For the period of November 4th -November 15th, 2002, the RTS Index lost 2.01% and closed at 350.28. The RTS Technical Index went 2.06% down to 385.16.

  • Russian Trading System - Bonds Data: 4-15 November 2002

    Date 18/11/2002

    For the week of November 4th-November 15th, 2002, the total volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading of corporate, government, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, reached 3 375 thousand US dollars. Eurobond trading volume equaled 1 557 thousand dollars. The number of trades for the first half of November reached 10.

  • Russian Trading System - FORTS Derivatives Market Data: 4-15 November 2002

    Date 18/11/2002

    For the period of November 4th-November 15th, 2002, the total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on RTS) reached 983.9 thousand contracts or 4002 million rubles in underlying value. Daily trading volume equaled 445 million rubles and 109 million contracts. The number of trades totaled 21 430.

  • OneChicago To Launch Futures On Diamonds, 22 More Single Stocks

    Date 18/11/2002

    OneChicago, LLC today announced that it will offer futures contracts on the DIAMONDS exchange-traded fund (DIA) beginning Friday, Nov. 22. The Exchange also will roll out 22 more futures on single stocks.

  • NZSE Issues Revised Proposal For Indices

    Date 18/11/2002

    The New Zealand Stock Exchange today released a revised proposal for reforming the NZSE Indices.

  • Nasdaq Liffe Markets Announces Additional Security Futures Contracts - QQQ 1000 Share Contract Introduced

    Date 18/11/2002

    Nasdaq Liffe Markets, LLC (NQLX) announced today the listing of 10 additional security futures, as well as a new future based on 1000 shares of the QQQ. These new listings add to the 14 security futures contracts that include futures on NASDAQ and Russell-based exchange traded funds. The new contracts will be available as of market opening on Wednesday, November 20, 2002.

  • London Stock Exchange To Offer Bonds

    Date 18/11/2002

    Van der Moolen UK Ltd today became the first firm to offer trading in fixed income securities through the London Stock Exchange's RSP Gateway. The Gateway now enables private client brokers to access prices and execute trades in equities, covered warrants and fixed income securities.