FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Dick Grasso Statement On Bill McDonough's Appointment
Date 15/04/2003
"Bill McDonough's integrity, expertise and experience make him the perfect selection to chair the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. We congratulate Bill and commend SEC Chairman William Donaldson on an outstanding nomination. The NYSE's loss is America's gain."
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Focus: Investors Should Focus On Capital Structure And Cash Flows
Date 15/04/2003
In Focus no. 47 equity analyst Bjørn Schwarz, Sydbank Markets, describes how focus has increasingly returned to the companies’ capital structure and cash flows. The companies’ capital structure reflects the financial risk and indicates how well prepared a company is to ‘major blows’ to the balance sheet. how focus has increasingly returned to the companies' capital structure and cash flows. The companies' capital structure reflects the financial risk and
Component Changes Made To Dow Jones Healthcare Titans 30 Index And Dow Jones Islamic Titans 100 Index
Date 15/04/2003
Dow Jones Indexes today announced changes in the stock components of the Dow Jones Healthcare Titans 30 index and the Dow Jones Islamic Titans 100 index.
Chicago Stock Exchange Elects Four New Governors
Date 15/04/2003
The Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX) announced today the election of three new Governors to fill vacancies on its 25-person Board of Governors, and the election of a new Vice-Chairman of the Board. Lee M. Mitchell, Partner, Thoma Cressey Equity Partners, was re-elected Chairman of the Exchange by the Board. The new governors are:
Certificate And Warrants Trading On Frankfurt Stock Exchange To Become More Attractive
Date 15/04/2003
Deutsche Börse plans to further enhance the quality of trading in certificates and warrants on the trading floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, making this segment used especially by private investors even more attractive. The company announced the news on Tuesday. The innovations provide for higher minimum standards for trading in all securities as well as the creation of a new quality segment with special standards of transparency and efficiency. All of the new features are to be implemented
UK's Financial Services Authority Chairman Howard Davies: Broad Consistency Not Absolute Uniformity Aim For Basel Capital Accord
Date 14/04/2003
FSA Chairman Howard Davies, speaking in New York on April 10, discussed issues surrounding the completion and implementation of the Basel Capital Accord reform programme.
Successful Migration Of Euronext Paris Derivatives Products On To LIFFE CONNECT<SUP><SMALL>®</SUP></SMALL>Trading System - Euronext.Liffe Contracts Traded On Same Platform In London, Brussels And Paris
Date 14/04/2003
Euronext Paris derivatives products have today been successfully transferred on to LIFFE CONNECT®, the world's most advanced derivatives trading platform.
Sir Brian Williamson To Step Down As Chairman Of LIFFE - Will Stay On Euronext Supervisory Board
Date 14/04/2003
Sir Brian Williamson is to step down as Chairman of the LIFFE Board on 1 July, after five years in the post, but will continue as a member of the Euronext supervisory board.
Singapore Exchange Limited Admits First SEAM Member In Derivatives Market
Date 14/04/2003
Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX) today announced that it has admitted Okato Shoji Co. Ltd in Japan as the Exchange's first SGX ETS Associate Member (SEAM) in its derivatives market.
Securities And Exchange Commission To Review Current Proxy Rules And Regulations To Improve Corporate Democracy
Date 14/04/2003
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that it has directed the Division of Corporation Finance to examine current proxy regulations and develop possible changes to those regulations to improve corporate democracy. In addition, the Commission today unanimously decided to let stand, rather than review, the determination of the Division of Corporation Finance regarding the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees' Pension Plan (AFSCME) proposal to Citigroup Inc
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