Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Stockholmsbörsen Creates Conditions For Higher Liquidity

    Date 10/04/2003

    Stockholmsbörsen is introducing a system with liquidity providers to create the conditions for more liquid trading that will result in lower costs and reduced risks, particularly for transactions involving less frequently traded shares. Exchange-listed companies in which liquidity in share trading is low will now have a greater opportunity to use liquidity providers. Members of Stockholmsbörsen, that is, banks and brokers, will act as providers of liquidity and continuously set bid and as

  • State And Private Sectors Joined Hands In Promoting Corporate Governance To Further Develop Thailand's Capital Market.

    Date 10/04/2003

    Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak reiterated that Thailand must speed up the establishment of corporate governance and urged both the state and private sectors to help promote and implement it. The Deputy Prime Minister revealed that during the past year, the government has actively created a mechanism to help realize the concept of corporate governance, through both official and the social forces. Somkid stressed that such an ideology needs a lot of work to make it a reality.

  • Roger Müller New General Counsel Of Deutsche Börse

    Date 10/04/2003

    Roger Müller returned to Deutsche Börse as General Counsel, responsible for the Legal Affairs, Compliance and Membership department. Müller (42) has been at Deutsche Börse in this function since April 1 this year and reports to Managing Director Axel Nawrath.

  • NYBOT's Finex Division Establishes Fixed Trading Hours For New York Evening Session

    Date 10/04/2003

    The FINEX® Division of the New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) announced today that it has amended its rules to establish a single, fixed trading time for its New York Evening Session.

  • NYBOT Announces US And UK Good Friday And Easter Holiday Schedule

    Date 10/04/2003

    The Good Friday and Easter Holiday trading schedule for the New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®)'s subsidiary exchanges and divisions, the Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange, Inc. (CSCE), the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE), Citrus Associates of the New York Cotton Exchange (Citrus), FINEX, and the New York Futures Exchange (NYFE), is as follows: