Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

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  • Open Interest Records Set In CME's Eurodollar, E-mini™ S&P 500 Futures

    Date 20/05/2003

    Open interest in Eurodollar futures and E-mini™ S&P 500 futures-the two most actively traded contracts on Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.-reached record levels yesterday, May 19. The new open interest record for Eurodollar futures was set at 5,219,020 positions, while a record for E-mini S&P 500 futures was set at 755,554 positions.

  • National Stock Exchange Of Lithuania Monthly Bulletin - April 2003

    Date 20/05/2003

    Over the first quarter of 2003, GDP grew by 9.1%, which led the Ministry of Finance to increasing the forecasted growth of the real GDP of the current year from 4.9% to 6.1% and reducing the forecasted inflation from 2.5% to 0.1%. According to analysts, Lithuania's robust economic growth, preparation for the EU accession, more optimistic corporate indices, compensations for real property subject to restitution in form of shares of four companies, and the anticipated privatisation of major

  • Nasdaq Announces Management Change In Its Corporate Client Group

    Date 20/05/2003

    The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. today announced that Vice Chairman David Weild, IV has left the firm to pursue other interests. Mr. Weild, who joined NASDAQ in 2001, led the Corporate Client Group (CCG) and was a member of the Operations Management Committee.

  • Morgan Stanley Begins Trading Options On Pacific Exchange

    Date 20/05/2003

    The Pacific Exchange (PCX) today announced that Morgan Stanley will act as Lead Market Maker (LMM) in more than 100 issues, including 33 of the 120 most active issues. Morgan Stanley began trading options on Bank One and SBC Communications today, and will supplement additional names in the weeks ahead (a list of the options issues allocated to Morgan Stanley is attached).

  • Merger Between HEX And OM To Create A Strong Integrated Nordic And Baltic Securities Market

    Date 20/05/2003

    The Boards of Directors of HEX Plc ("HEX") and OM AB (publ) ("OM") today announce plans to merge the companies in order to create an integrated Nordic and Baltic market for listing, trading, clearing, settlement and depository of securities. Through the merger, a leading provider of marketplace services and transaction technology, OM HEX, will be created. The operations of OM HEX will be based on two divisions; HEX Integrated Markets, northern Europe's largest securities market, offering access