FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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SFE 2003 Annual General Meeting
Date 19/05/2003
Please click here to view the address by the Chairman of SFE Corporation Limited, Rick Holliday-Smith, to the 2003 Annual General Meeting held in Sydney on 19 May 2003.
RTS Stock Exchange Order-Driven Market: Weekly Data
Date 19/05/2003
For the week of May 12th - May 16th, 2003, daily average trading volume grew by 60%, and total trading volume reached 2 668 million rubles, compared with 2 566 million for the week of April 28th, 2003. 4 679 direct transactions with 2 028 million rubles in trading volume were executed. Internet trading accounted for 26% of total weekly trading volume.
RTS Stock Exchange Classic Market: Weekly Data
Date 19/05/2003
For the week of May 12th - May 16th, 2003, the RTS Index gained 7% and closed at 450.40. The RTS Technical Index increased by 7.46% and reached 494.61. The week's top gainers include Chelyabinsk metallurgic plant common shares (MECH) that gained 20.38% and reached $31.9, Bashkinenergo common shares (BEGY) that gained 16.21% and closed at $0.19 and RAO UES of Russia common shares (EESR) that reached $0.178, up 15.21% on last closing. Among the week's top losers were Orgsintez, Kazan, common share
RTS Stock Exchange Bonds: Weekly Data
Date 19/05/2003
For the week of May 12th- May 16th, 2003, total volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading in corporate, governmental, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, reached 1 043 thousand dollars, compared by 1 402 thousand dollars the previous week. Bonds traded in the system 14 times, down from 20 times the week of April 28th.
Philadelphia Stock Exchange Chides SEC For Lack Of Action In Banning Exchange-Sponsored Payment For Order Flow In The Options Market; Calls On Chairman Donaldson To Ban The Practice Immediately
Date 19/05/2003
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange today chided the Securities and Exchange for its lack of action in banning exchange-sponsored payment for order flow in the options markets in a letter sent today to the to SEC Chairman William Donaldson. Following the announcement on May 13 by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) of their reinstitution of a payment for order flow program, the PHLX in its letter to the SEC, as in the PHLX's previously filed petition for rulemaking (submitted to the SEC on Feb
OneChicago Week In Review
Date 19/05/2003
DIAMONDS ® Spreads Futures on the DIAMONDS (DIA1C) bid/ask spread performance last week: 5.1¢ spread on average, a 4% improvement over the prior week* OneChicago DIAMONDS spreads were equal to or tighter than the DIA Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) on AMEX 69% of the time* OneChicago DIAMONDS spreads were equal to or tighter than the DIA ETF on Nasdaq 35% of the time*
New Volume Record In Options Set on Futures & Options On RTS Stock Exchange
Date 19/05/2003
The new all-time daily record in options trading - 151,5 million rubles - was set on FORTS (Futures &Options on RTS), the derivatives section of the RTS Stock Exchange. The previous all-time record, 53 million rubles, as of May 14th, 2003, was exceeded by 2.8 times. The trading volume in contracts reached 28 thousand - 2,7 times higher than May 14th, 2003, record.
Nasdaq Names Christopher R. Concannon Executive Vice President Of Strategy And Business Development
Date 19/05/2003
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. ("NASDAQ®"; OTCBB: NDAQ), today announced that Christopher R. Concannon has been appointed Executive Vice President of Strategy and Business Development. Mr. Concannon joins NASDAQ from Instinet Group, Inc. where he served as President of Instinet Clearing Services, Inc.
ICEX News And Views - New listing On ICEX - Alternative Market And New Procedure Regarding Trading Halts
Date 19/05/2003
New listing on ICEX Alternative Market and new procedure regarding trading halts are the subjects of this issue.
Futures & Options On RTS Stock Exchange: Weekly Data
Date 19/05/2003
For the week of May 12th - May 16th, 2003, total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on RTS) reached 892 thousand contracts, or 4 734 million rubles in underlying value, compared with 977 thousand contracts and 5 062 million rubles for the week of April 28th, 2003. The number of trades reached 17 645, compared with 22 386 trades the week before. Daily average trading volume in rubles increased by 31% on the week (in contracts the increase amounted to 28%). Total open interest as of May 1
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