FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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Abi, Ania, Assogestioni, Assonime, Assoreti, Assosim And Borsa Italiana Common Position Paper On The European Draft Directive On The Prospectus To Be Published When Securities Are Offered To The Public Or Admitted To Trading And Amending Direcitve 2001/34
Date 29/05/2003
Please click here for the common position paper on the European Draft Directive On The Prospectus.
Tokyo Stock Exchange's 2nd Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Date 28/05/2003
In the May 20th Board Meeting, details for TSE's 2nd annual shareholders' meeting were decided. The meeting will be held on June 24 (Tuesday) from 10:00 AM in the TSE Hall.
Tokyo Stock Exchange: Review To The ETF Listing System
Date 28/05/2003
Although ETFs were expected to be very popular among investors when first introduced into TSE's market, due to the fact that they are easy to understand in that they simply track the movement of a certain stock index, after nearly 2 years of trading they still have not gained a strong foothold in the market among the investing public. Of the 15 listed ETFs, 7 are now in danger of falling under delisting standards for not having 500 or more beneficiary shareholders. Barring a sudden change in thi
Review Of The Number Of Foreign Shares In The KAX, Sector And Industry Indices Of The Copenhagen Stock Exchange
Date 28/05/2003
As of 1 June 2003, foreign companies included in the Copenhagen Stock Exchange's all-share, sector and industry indices will receive new weighting.
Radianz To Provide Connectivity For Boston Options Exchange
Date 28/05/2003
Radianz today announced that its global financial extranet, RadianzNet, will be used as one of the options to give institutions secure network access to the Boston Options Exchange (BOX), an all-electronic equity derivatives market that is being created as an alternative to the existing market models.
OneChicago To Extend DIAMONDS Trading Hours
Date 28/05/2003
OneChicago, LLC today announced that it will extend the daily trading hours for futures on the DIAMONDS Exchange Traded Fund (DIA1C) until 3:15 p.m. Chicago time beginning June 2. The remainder of the Exchange's 89 products will continue to trade from 8:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. Chicago time.
Nymex Announces Waiver Of Trading Fees For Weekly And Daily PJM Electricity Futures Contracts
Date 28/05/2003
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., announced today that all transaction fees for its weekly and daily financially settled PJM electricity futures contracts, scheduled to launch on June 26, will be waived through October 10, coinciding with the waiver through the same date for the monthly PJM electricity futures contract on April 11.
New York Mercantile Exchange Sets Record For NYMEX Division Seat Sale
Date 28/05/2003
A seat on the NYMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., was sold today for a record $1,356,000, topping the $1,350,000 sale on April 29.
NASD Charges Former Merrill Lynch Managing Director With Issuing Misleading Research, Selectively Disclosing Material Non-Public Information And Improper Gift Giving To Tyco's CEO
Date 28/05/2003
NASD announced today that it charged Phua Young, formerly a managing director and senior research analyst at Merrill Lynch, with a series of research violations including publishing research reports about Tyco International Ltd. that contained misleading statements and exaggerated claims. The misconduct, which included other related securities violations, took place over a three-year period until April 2002, when Merrill discharged him for violating firm policy and regulatory standards.
London Stock Exchange Offers New Fast-Track Admission Route For Smaller International Companies
Date 28/05/2003
As part of its drive to attract international companies, the London Stock Exchange today introduced a new fast-track admission route to AIM, its international market for smaller, growing companies. Companies already listed on nine overseas exchanges will now be able to use their existing annual report and accounts as a basis for a complementary quotation on AIM.
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