Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • RTS Stock Exchange Bonds: Weekly Market Data

    Date 15/09/2003

    For the week of September 8th- September 12th, 2003, total volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading in corporate, governmental, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, reached 22 020 thousand rubles, compared with 6 608 thousand rubles the week before. Six trades were registered, up from 3 trades the previous week.

  • OneChicago Week In Review

    Date 15/09/2003

    Record Week at the Exchange Daily volume reached a record 123,600 contracts on Wednesday, September 10, and totaled 180,327 for the week, also a record. Open Interest surpassed 200,000 contracts for the first time since OneChicago's launch Nov. 8, 2002

  • OneChicago Reports Record Volume Week

    Date 15/09/2003

    OneChicago, LLC broke record daily volume, weekly volume and open interest records last week trading a total of 180,327 contracts during the week that ended September 12.

  • Non-Resident Banks Allowed To Trade On RTS Money

    Date 15/09/2003

    At its September 12th, 2003, meeting the RTS Stock Exchange Board of Directors decided to allow foreign banks to trade on RTS Money.

  • NASD Alerts Investors Of The Risks Associated With Using Margin To Purchase Securities

    Date 15/09/2003

    NASD today issued an Investor Alert to inform investors on the risks of trading securities "on margin." NASD issued the Alert because investor purchases of securities on margin have grown dramatically, reaching $174 billion in July, and many investors may underestimate the risks associated with trading on margin and misunderstand margin calls and how their holdings can be liquidated.