FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
New York Board Of Trade Anticipates No Change To Trading Hours For Today Thursday September 18 And Tomorrow Friday September19
Date 18/09/2003
As of noon Thursday, September 18, based on current National Weather Service Projections, the New York Board of Trade anticipates no change to the trading hours of its markets. NYBOT expects to close all markets today at their normal times, and to open and close all markets tomorrow (Friday) at their normal times.
Market Maker Program Now Available For NYBOT'S New Russell 2000® And 3000® Index Contracts
Date 18/09/2003
The new contract markets based on the Russell 2000 Index (Symbol "TO") and the Russell 3000 Index (Symbol "TH") at the New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) will now feature the guaranteed liquidity of a designated Market Specialist. The Market Maker program, which will ensure bid/ask spreads no greater than .50 wide for a minimum of 10 contracts ($2.5 million notional value), is supported by LaBranche Structured Products LLC (a wholly-owned subsidiary of LaBranche & Co. Inc.) for the Russ
Fimat Launches New OTC Brokerage Activity In Tokyo
Date 18/09/2003
The Fimat Group announces the launch of a new over the counter (OTC) brokerage activity in Japan involving Nikkei options and single stock options. The Fimat Group is one of the world's leading global brokerage organizations and is part of the Societe Generale Group.
Euronext To List American Stock Exchange® Diamonds® - One Of The World's Most Popular Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
Date 18/09/2003
In connection with their agreement to work together on the listing of exchange traded funds (ETFs), the American Stock Exchange, the global leader and pioneer in exchange traded funds (ETFs) and Euronext, one of the European leaders in ETFs (also referred to as "trackers"), have announced the launch of Diamonds on the NextTrack product segment of Euronext Amsterdam from 19 September 2003.
Component Change Made To Dow Jones Switzerland Titans 30 Index
Date 18/09/2003
Dow Jones Indexes yesterday announced changes in the stock components of the Dow Jones Switzerland Titans 30 index.
Chicago Board Options Exchange And The Philadelphia Stock Exchange Agree To Develop Mutual Back-Up Trading Arrangements In The Event Of Trading Interruption
Date 18/09/2003
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) announced today that they have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to develop back-up trading arrangements in the event that trading is prevented at either one of the exchanges.
Chicago Board Options Exchange And Pacific Exchange (PCX) Agree To Develop Mutual Back-Up Trading Arrangements In The Event Of Trading Interruption
Date 18/09/2003
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the Pacific Exchange (PCX) announced today that they have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to develop back-up trading arrangements in the event that trading is prevented at either one of the exchanges.
ASX And Shenzhen Stock Exchange Sign MOU
Date 18/09/2003
Australian Stock Exchange Ltd (ASX) and Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SSE) have signed a memorandum of understanding to develop closer ties, marking an upgrading of the relationship between two of the region's most progressive equities markets.
Warsaw Exchange Announces Revision In WIG And WIRR Indices
Date 17/09/2003
The Warsaw Stock Exchange announces the following quarterly changes to the WIG and WIRR SmallCap Indices (revision): STALEXPORT and POLIGRAFIA will be added to the WIG index; INSTAL KRAKOW, VISTULA, SUWARY, WAFAPOMP, GANT, BUDOPOL and POLNA will be added to the WIRR Index. GETIN, TRASTYCHY, PAGED, RELPOL, INTERIA.PL, KABLE and HUTMEN will be moved from the WIRR Index to the WIG Index. ENERGOMONTAZ POLNOC will be removed from the WIG Index; MOSTOSTAL ZABRZE, ALPRAS
The New List Of The RTS Index And RTS Technical Index Constituents Approved
Date 17/09/2003
At its last meeting, the RTS Information Committee reviewed the list of shares that are used to calculate the RTS Index and the RTS Technical Index. From October 1st to December 31st, 2003, the exchange will use the list of constituents compiled based on trading data gathered from June 1st to August 29th, 2003.
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