Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • SHL TeleMedicine Ltd. Opens 18% Above Issue Price

    Date 16/11/2000

    The shares of SHL TeleMedicine Ltd., a medtech company, were traded yesteday for the first time on the SWX New Market. The offering price was set Monday night at CHF 34. At the start of trading on SWX, the stock stood 18% above that level at CHF 39.95, representing a total market capitalization for the company of CHF 426 million.

  • Program Trading Averaged 20.9 Percent Of NYSE Volume During Nov. 6-Nov. 10

    Date 16/11/2000

    The New York Stock Exchange today released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for Nov. 6-Nov. 10.

  • One Petition Candidate For Chairman Added To CBOT Election Ballot

    Date 16/11/2000

    Nickolas J. Neubauer, an independent trader and member of the Chicago Board of Trade since 1978, has been added by petition to the ballot for CBOT Chairman for the December 6, 2000, Chicago Board of Trade annual election.

  • Nymex To Increase Natural Gas Margins

    Date 16/11/2000

    The New York Mercantile Exchange will raise the margins on its Henry Hub natural gas contract at the close of business tomorrow to $5,500 from $4,200 for clearing members; $6,050 from $4,620 for members; and $7,425 from $5,670 for customers.

  • London Stock Exchange: AIM Has 500 Companies As Market Value Reaches £16 Billion

    Date 16/11/2000

    AIM, London's market for growing and fledgling companies, today has 500 companies for the first time, with the admission of three newcomers: Advance Visual Communications plc, ReNeuron Holdings plc, and Hansard plc.

  • Euronext Amsterdam: Labinal Deleted From Next 150 Index

    Date 16/11/2000

    Euronext Indices B.V. today announced that following the official result of the takeover bid by SNECMA for French company Labinal, Labinal will be deleted from the Next 150 index with effect from 20 November 2000, in accordance with rule 6.3.3 of the index ground rules.

  • Deutsche Börse Expands XTF Segment: Actively Managed Funds Listed As Of November 20 - Exchange Further Reinforces Market Leadership In Exchange Traded Funds

    Date 16/11/2000

    Deutsche Börse is expanding its XTF market segment for exchange-traded funds: Starting November 20, actively managed funds will also be listed in this segment. The exchange is thus offering another innovation in XTF, the first segment of its kind to be launched by a European exchange about seven months ago. The first issuer for the new products is DWS Investment GmbH, which will list 11 Trading Funds for the launch. At a press conference in Frankfurt on Thursday, Volker Potthoff, member of the

  • Agreement Between Euronext And Bourse De Luxembourg

    Date 16/11/2000

    Bourse de Luxembourg and EURONEXT, the first European Exchange, have signed today a cross membership and cross access agreement to replace the Benelux Cross Membership Agreement signed on 14th December 1998.

  • Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) Appoints New Director Of Public Relations

    Date 15/11/2000

    The Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc., (PHLX) recently appointed Barbara Evans Sorid as director of public relations. In her new position, Sorid will serve as the organization's spokesperson and assume responsibility for the development, management and execution of public relations and media projects.

  • KLOFFE, COMMEX Merger Progressing As Planned

    Date 15/11/2000

    Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) views with grave concern the highly inaccurate report on the merger between the Kuala Lumpur Options and Financial Futures Exchange (KLOFFE) and the Commodity and Monetary Exchange of Malaysia (COMMEX) published in an English language business daily yesterday. The report also made undue references to KLSE.