FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 29/03/2004
The market gave up some of its recent gains, dipping half a percent this week with lower prices for ABCH (down to P0.40), Metsef, down 4% to P12.90, and Sefalana, down 5t to P8.00. FNBB rose 12t to P7.32 on 1,500 shares. Sechaba was among the gainers as it continued to reach new heights with a 5t gain to a new record high of P10.75 on 700 shares. Letshego and Turnstar recorded the largest trading volumes for the week of 303,476 and 158,600 shares respectively.
BEL20® Index - New Divisors
Date 29/03/2004
Following the announced modification of the BEL20® Index, the current divisors have to be replaced by the new divisors as published below from Tuesday 30 March 2004 onwards: Old Divisors
Axiss Australia Newsletter Issue 85 - 29 March 2004
Date 29/03/2004
Please click here for the latest a2a e-mail newsletter produced by Axiss Australia - a summary of the key events of the past fortnight shaping Australia's position as a global financial services centre in the Asian time zone.
HKEx Rolls Out Revamped Website
Date 28/03/2004
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) introduced a revamped HKEx website today (Monday) featuring enriched content and a new design that makes it easy to navigate.
UK's Financial Services Authority Statement On Soft Commissions And Unbundling
Date 26/03/2004
At a CBI Financial Services Council Meeting today, John Tiner made the following comments on Soft Commissions and Bundled Brokerage Arrangements.
UK's Department Of Trade And Industry And Her Majesty's Treasury: Consultation Document On International Accounting Standards
Date 26/03/2004
The Department of Trade and Industry and Her Majesty's Treasury today published a consultation paper on proposals to allow companies and building societies to use international accounting standards (IAS). The consultation also sets out the Government's proposed approach to implementation of an EU directive that modernises the existing accounting directives.
Tokyo Stock Exchange Requests Izumi Securities Co., Ltd. Submit A Business Improvement Report
Date 26/03/2004
TSE requested Izumi Securities Co., Ltd. ( gIzumi Securitiesh ) submit a business improvement report regarding enforcement of its internal control system and clarification of locus of responsibility, etc.
The National Stock Exchange Of Lithuania Is Moving To A New Location
Date 26/03/2004
Please note that as of 29 March 2004, the National Stock Exchange of Lithuania is moving to a new location.
Stockholmsbörsen And Helsinki Exchanges To Harmonize Trading Hours
Date 26/03/2004
The trading hours of the equity and derivatives markets at Stockholmsbörsen and Helsinki Exchanges are to be harmonized in line with the creation of one, integrated Nordic and Baltic home market. The harmonized trading hours will be 09:00-17:30 CET.
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P/TSX Canadian Indices
Date 26/03/2004
Standard & Poor's Canadian Index Operations announces the following index changes effective after the close of business on Monday, March 29, 2004: The relative weight of Telesystem International Wireless Inc. (TSX:TIW) will increase by approximately 0.09% in the S&P/TSX Composite and Capped Composite Indices, by 0.83% in the S&P/TSX SmallCap Index and by 4.34% in the S&P/TSX Capped Telecommunication Services Index. The relative weight change reflects an adjustment to the float capita
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