Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Axiss Australia Newsletter Issue 86 - 13 April 2004

    Date 13/04/2004

    Please click here for the latest a2a e-mail newsletter produced by Axiss Australia - a summary of the key events of the past fortnight shaping Australia's position as a global financial services centre in the Asian time zone.

  • Tokyo Stock Exchange President's Address

    Date 12/04/2004

    Since its inception in 1949, Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) has promoted the fair and smooth transaction of securities, aimed to protect investors and the public good, and operated a securities market for the use of investors, brokers, issuers, and companies alike.

  • RTS Stock Exchange Order-Driven Market

    Date 12/04/2004

    For the week of April 5th - April 9th, 2004, the total trading volume of direct and indirect transactions (including REPO transactions) increased by 50% and reached 11 897 million rubles. Internet trading accounted for 38%, up from 32%. 10 370 transactions were executed.

  • RTS Stock Exchange Classic Market

    Date 12/04/2004

    For the week of April 5th - April 9th, 2004, the RTS Index gained 2.55 points and reached 778.39. The RTS Technical Index closed at 857,53, 2.75points lower than the previous week's 857.53.

  • OneChicago Week In Review

    Date 12/04/2004

    Liquidity and Volume Highlights Each single stock futures contract is equal to 100 shares of the underlying stock or ETF . April 5 Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ1C): 3,367 contracts traded April 7 DIAMONDS® ETF (DIA1C): 2,491 contracts traded Nokia Corp. ADR (NOK1C): 7,114 contracts traded, 3,110 JUN04 at a single price American International Group (AIG1C): 508 contracts traded, 500 JUN04 at a single pric