Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • London Stock Exchange Annual Report 2004

    Date 15/06/2004

    Click here to view the PDF version of the London Stock Exchange Annual Report - 2004.

  • Eurodollar Reaches Record Open Interest On LIFFE CONNECT®

    Date 15/06/2004

    Euronext.liffe announced that Eurodollar futures and options on LIFFE CONNECT® accumulated a record open interest of 92,418 on Monday 14 June 2004. Following the first expiry in the futures and options contracts, open interest stood at 80,393 on Tuesday 15 June 2004. LIFFE’s Eurodollar open interest continues to grow faster than any other contract in the Exchange’s history, demonstrating the ongoing support of, and long term confidence in, this contract by our customers.

  • Death Of The Mainframe? - CMS WebView Survey Finds PC Servers Growing In Popularity Among Banks

    Date 15/06/2004

    The dominance of mainframe computers* in the banking industry is over. Increasingly, PC servers are taking over key banking data management functions such as direct information feed collection and capture of reference data. This is the view of 80% of financial data managers** surveyed recently by CMS WebView plc (CMS) a leading provider of software systems for real-time financial data distribution and management. In fact, 61% of market data managers at banks such as Citi

  • Copenhagen Stock Exchange: The Minimum Coupon Rate

    Date 15/06/2004

    The minimum coupon rate applicable to bonds, instruments of debt, mortgages and other debts, cf. the Danish Gains on Securities Act No 806 of 24 September 2003 as amended, has for the period from 1 July 2004 to 31 December 2004 again been fixed at 3 % p.a.

  • Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Sharper Pricing Of KFX Shares

    Date 15/06/2004

    As of 21 June 2004, when the new KFX portfolio becomes effective, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange will introduce a further level to the existing table of tick sizes for KFX shares. The tick size table shows the minimum price variation between the best bid price and the best offer price for a share in the trading system.