Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Share Changes In The S&P/ASX 50 Index

    Date 21/02/2005

    Standard & Poor’s will make the following changes in the S&P/ASX 50 Index effective after the close of trading Thursday February 24th 2005: National Australia Bank (Australia, SEDOL: 6624608, GICS Code: 40101010) a member of the S&P/ASX 50 Index will increase its shares to 1,557,557,969. The Investible Weight Factor (IWF) will remain unchanged. This change is due a Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

  • RTS Realtime Systems Offers A Premium Trading Platform For Options On IPE

    Date 21/02/2005

    RTS Realtime Systems Group today announces that it is fully conformed for the options contracts on the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE), Europe’s leading energy exchange.

  • Oslo Børs Announces An Alternative Market For Bonds

    Date 21/02/2005

    Oslo Børs is planning to open an alternative market as a supplement to the main stock exchange market. The new market will be a marketplace for listing and trading in bonds and other fixed-income instruments.

  • London Stock Exchange Welcomes Adamind Ltd To AIM

    Date 21/02/2005

    The London Stock Exchange today welcomed Adamind Ltd to AIM, the Exchange’s international market for smaller, growing companies.

  • KfW Mittelstandsbank And Deutsche Börse AG Hold 19th "German Equity Forum" - Venue For Innovative Enterprises And Investors In Munich On April 28

    Date 21/02/2005

    KfW Mittelstandsbank and Deutsche Börse AG, together with the Bavarian Ministry of Economics, will hold the 19th German Equity Forum at the "Forum am Deutschen Museum" in Munich on April 28, 2005. Innovative technological enterprises ranging from early stage to later stage in search of equity capital will meet around 200 venture capital investors at the "German Equity Forum". It is an ideal opportunity for all participants to make contacts and orientate themselves in the market. The experience o