FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
New York Mercantile Exchange Sets Record for NYMEX Division Seat
Date 10/03/2006
A seat on the NYMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., sold today for a record $3,800,000.
New York Mercantile Exchange Changes Guaranty Fund To Provide Greater Financial Safeguards
Date 10/03/2006
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., announced today that effective May 1, it will increase the value of its guaranty fund to $200 million. The fund, which may be used by the Exchange in the event that a clearing member fails to discharge its obligations, is currently valued at approximately $130 million.
Nasdaq Stock Market Announcement In Response To Public Rejection By LSE
Date 10/03/2006
NASDAQ notes the recent announcement by London Stock Exchange plc (“LSE”) with respect to its indicative offer for the Company and confirms that it submitted a proposal to LSE on the 9 March 2006. NASDAQ believes that its proposal would represent an attractive offer for shareholders, listed companies and the trading community and reflects unique benefits for LSE which have not to date been proffered by other parties.
MTS Deutschland And Euromts Linkers Market List New German Linker
Date 10/03/2006
The MTS Group is pleased to announce that the inaugural German linker was listed on MTS Deutschland and EuroMTS Linkers Market with effect from March 8.
Malawi Stock Exchange Weekly Report
Date 10/03/2006
Click here to download Malawi Stock Exchange's weekly report.
London Stock Exchange Statement Re Approach From Nasdaq Stock Market
Date 10/03/2006
The Board of London Stock Exchange (the "Company") announces that it has received a pre-conditional proposal from The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. ("NASDAQ ") with a view to NASDAQ making an offer to acquire the Company for 950p per share in cash.
Japan's Financial Services Agency: Administrative Action On J.P. Morgan Securities Asia Pte. Limited, Tokyo Branch
Date 10/03/2006
1. Acts of conducting a series of stock index futures transactions intended to create an artificial market which does not reflect actual state of the market The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) conducted an inspection of J.P. Morgan Securities Asia Pte. Limited, Tokyo Branch (hereinafter referred to as ''the Branch''), and found the following violation of the Securities and Exchange Law. The SESC recommended
ICE Futures Sets New Exchange-wide Record And Brent Crude Record - Brent-WTI Spread Trades Now Available With A Single Click
Date 10/03/2006
IntercontinentalExchange (NYSE: ICE), the leading electronic energy marketplace, announced a second consecutive day of record volume in its futures business segment. Exchange-wide volume at ICE Futures on March 9 reached a record 391,016 contracts, which surpassed the March 8 record of 385,505 contracts.
HKEx Capital Adjustment To Hongkong Electric Futures And Options
Date 10/03/2006
As a result of Hongkong Electric Holdings Limited's (HEH) announcement this week regarding the recommendation of a special dividend of $0.73 per share, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) will adjust HEH Futures and Options contracts in existence on the business day immediately before the ex-dividend day (2 May this year).
Component Changes Made To Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index - Changes Are A Result Of The Regular Quarterly Review Of The Dow Jones Islamic Market Indexes
Date 10/03/2006
Dow Jones Indexes, a leading global index provider, today announced component changes in the Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index and its three subindexes as a result of the regular quarterly review of the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index.
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