Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • UK And Singapore Strengthen Collaboration In Sustainable Finance And FinTech

    Date 08/05/2024

    The United Kingdom (UK) and Singapore held the 9th UK-Singapore Financial Dialogue in Singapore today. Both countries discussed collaboration opportunities in priority areas such as sustainable finance and FinTech and innovation, and exchanged views on recent developments in non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI) as well as efforts to improve cross-border payment connectivity.  

  • HKEX To Introduce Weekly Stock Options

    Date 08/05/2024

    • HKEX to introduce weekly contracts on 10 selected single stock option classes by the end of 2024
    • Spot week and next week contracts will be offered in addition to the existing monthly contracts
    • HKEX’s Weekly Hang Seng Index Options are among the fastest growing derivatives products with its ADV quadrupled since 2019

  • EEX Group Monthly Volumes – April 2024

    Date 08/05/2024

    EEX Group reports its monthly volumes with the following highlights:

    • EEX Group global power markets reached a total of 1,139 TWh (+ 72% YoY) traded on the spot and derivatives markets (+72% YoY) which is a new record volume. This comprises a trading volume that more than doubled on the European power derivatives YoY (+141%), including a new monthly record on German Power Futures (523.1 TWh).
    • Volumes on the European power spot markets increased by 23% YoY, reaching sound growth rates on the EPEX Day-Ahead markets (+ 24%) and the intraday markets (+ 21%) with EPEX SPOT recording an all-time record in intraday markets.
    • Trading activities in Japanese Power Futures remain strong: In April, a volume of 4.7 TWh was registered, constituting a 225% growth YoY.
    • EEX’s European natural gas derivatives markets increased by 26% YoY to 329.4 TWh, including a new record on the Italian PSV hub, at 7.6 TWh.
    • European emissions trading rose by 142% in total. While trading on the emissions spot market reported a 34% growth overall, trading on the EEX emissions derivatives markets increased by remarkable 568% YoY. North American environmental contracts reported a 11% growth YoY.
    • Trading in European Dairy Futures almost doubled YoY, reaching a volume of 5,464 contracts (equals 27,320 tonnes) – a growth by 118%.

  • CIBC Mellon Leverages Duco Technology To Enhance Enterprise Data Automation

    Date 08/05/2024

    CIBC Mellon has announced its strategic collaboration with Duco, a leading SaaS provider of AI-powered data automation. By leveraging Duco's advanced capabilities, CIBC Mellon is set to lower operational risk, streamline processes, and empower finance and operations teams.

  • Pedram Tadayon Joins Mitigram As Chief Executive Officer

    Date 08/05/2024

    Mitigram, the global leader in digital trade financing, is pleased to announce the appointment of Pedram Tadayon as Chief Executive Officer.