FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
UK Financial Conduct Authority: Stuart Bayes Sentenced For Insider Dealing
Date 10/05/2024
Following a sentencing hearing at Southwark Crown Court, Stuart Bayes, 58, was today sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment, suspended for 2 years, after being convicted of 2 counts of insider dealing.
Statement Of CFTC Commissioner Caroline D. Pham: The CFTC Needs To Get Serious. A Strategic Plan For Reform
Date 10/05/2024
Today, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) will take yet another step down a misguided path that encroaches so far onto States’ rights that it makes a mockery of the Tenth Amendment. It pains me to say that despite the road here being paved with good intentions, today’s event contracts rulemaking is yet another example of how far the Commission has strayed from the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act and the Constitution, and how little the Commission seems to care for fairness and due process under the law.
SIFMA Fixed Income Market Close Recommendations In The US, The UK, And Japan For The US Memorial Day Holiday
Date 10/05/2024
SIFMA confirmed its previous recommendations for the U.S., the U.K., and Japan in observance of the U.S. Memorial Day holiday.
Nigerian Exchange Weekly Market Report For Week Ended May 10th, 2024
Date 10/05/2024
A total turnover of 2.187 billion shares worth N50.667 billion in 45,277 deals was traded this week by investors on the floor of the Exchange, in contrast to a total of 1.941 billion shares valued at N32.644 billion that exchanged hands last week in 35,807 deals.
Federal Reserve Supervision And Regulation Report
Date 10/05/2024
The report summarizes banking conditions and the Federal Reserve’s supervisory and regulatory activities, in conjunction with semiannual testimony before Congress by the Vice Chair for Supervision.
Statement Of CFTC Chairman Rostin Behnam Regarding Proposed Event Contracts Rulemaking
Date 10/05/2024
I support the proposed amendments to the Commission’s rules concerning event contracts. Before further discussion, I would like to acknowledge the tremendous work by many CFTC colleagues. I particularly would like to thank Vince McGonagle, Nora Flood, and Grey Tanzi for all of their thorough and thoughtful work on the proposal.
Piero Cipollone, Member Of The Executive Board Of The ECB: Digital Euro: Stocktake And Next Steps
Date 10/05/2024
Payment landscape in Europe
- Declining use of cash: the proportion of cash payments fell from 72% to 59% (2019-2022); number of banknotes in circulation decreased for the first time in 2023.
- Fragmentation: there is no single European payment solution for digital payments at the point of sale anywhere in the euro area.
- Dependence on international providers: 13 out of 20 euro area countries don’t have a national card scheme and rely instead on international schemes for digital payments. These schemes account for 64% of all electronically-initiated transactions with cards issued in the euro area.
IOSCO Welcomes International Ethics Standards For Sustainability Assurance’s Consultation On The Proposed International Ethics Standards For Sustainability
Date 10/05/2024
IOSCO today congratulated the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) on achieving an important milestone by publishing for consultation their Proposed International Ethics Standards for Sustainability Assurance (IESSA) and Other Revisions to the Code Relating to Sustainability Assurance and Reporting (the Paper).
Taheer Sardar Convicted For Providing A Forged Document To UK Financial Conduct Authority Investigators In A £1.3m Boiler Room Fraud Investigation
Date 10/05/2024
Taheer Sardar has today been sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment for perverting the course of justice at Southwark Crown Court. Mr Sardar pleaded guilty on 7 May 2024
Financial Stability Risks: Resiliency And The Role Of Regulators, Federal Reserve Governor Michelle W. Bowman, At The Texas Bankers Association 2024 Annual Meeting, Arlington, Texas
Date 10/05/2024
I would like to thank the Texas Bankers Association for the invitation to share my thoughts with you at this year's Annual Meeting.1 My remarks today focus on financial stability and the role of banking regulators in promoting financial stability and resiliency in the financial system.2 I will also describe principles that are complementary to promoting safety and soundness—to help inform the regulatory and supervisory agenda.