FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
NYMEX Volume Crosses 100 Million Mark For First Time
Date 23/11/1999
Annual volume on the New York Mercantile Exchange surpassed 100 million contracts yesterday for the first time in the Exchange's history.
HKFE Offers Education Programme at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Date 23/11/1999
The Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) announced today that the Exchange is offering an education programme for students at the university between 23 November and 3 December. The programme, titled "Futures and Options Week," is part of the HKFE's ongoing effort to provide education programmes for university students in Hong Kong.
Eurex Introduces Clearing For OTC Trading In Euribor Futures - First Exchange With OTC Block-Trade Facility For Money-Market Products
Date 23/11/1999
Eurex, the European derivatives exchange, is expanding its range of services in clearing to include contracts traded on the exchange: Since Monday, Eurex members have been able to clear OTC transactions in one-month and three-month Euribor futures through the Eurex clearing house, as the company reported.
Central Bank Of Iceland Weekly Repo Auction November 23
Date 23/11/1999
The Central Bank of Iceland held a weekly auction of repurchase agreements on November 23 of the standard maturity of 14 days.
CBOE Breaks Daily Volume Record
Date 23/11/1999
A record number of stock option contracts traded at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) on Friday, November 19. A total of 1,651,165 stock option contracts (equivalent to 165 million shares of stock) traded during the November expiration session, beating the previous record equity volume of 1,569,672 contracts set on October 15, 1999. Total option volume at CBOE on Friday was 1,933,706 contracts.
ASX Runs Share Day For Investors
Date 23/11/1999
Want to get involved with the sharemarket, but don't know where to start? Heard that the sharemarket historically has consistently outperformed other forms of investment, and want a closer look? Or perhaps retirement is looming and you need to examine what options are available to ensure your lifestyle is protected.
ADX Becomes Seventeenth Exchange To Adopt NSC Trading System
Date 23/11/1999
The Australian Derivatives Exchange Limited, (ADX) has become the seventeenth exchange in the world to adopt NSC trading system. An agreement between Euronext SBF SA,ParisBourse SBF SA's information technology subsidiary, and ADX has been signed by which the newly created Australian futures market will use NSC by September 2000.
Trouble-Free Trading At SWX
Date 22/11/1999
In the past week, the SWX Swiss Exchange recorded a total turnover amounting to CHF 22.42 billion. A reduction of the systems infrastructure down to a single computer centre did not impair trading capacity. On Monday, 15 November, a sevenfold increase in turnover compared to the normal daily average was able to be processed during the first half-hour of trading. As a result, the number of trades rose dramatically. During the past two months, trading on SWX was impaired by three separate system
Selection of CEO Announced for New Canadian Venture Exchange
Date 22/11/1999
On November 16, 1999, in a joint news conference held today in Calgary and Vancouver, a Steering Committee representing the boards of governors of The Alberta Stock Exchange and The Vancouver Stock Exchange announced their selection of William L. Hess, Q.C., as President and Chief Executive Officer of the proposed Canadian Venture Exchange. Mr. Hess has been Chair of the Alberta Securities Commission since September 1992.
Paris Markets Market Activity - Year-To-Date Trading Exceeds 1998 Total
Date 22/11/1999
Transaction volumes on the Premier Marché and Second Marché in October reached a daily average of EUR2.94 billion. As of October 29, volumes for 1999 stood at EUR568.30 billion, above last year's 12-month total of EUR513.48 billion and up 31.6% compared to the same period in 1998 ( EUR431.7 billion). The number of trades for the month was 5.3 million, while the total of 45.5 million trades for 1999 surpassed last year's total of 44.8 million and rose 27.1% from the 35.76 million recorded durin
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