FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Financial Information on Index Funds
Date 13/11/1999
With the debut of trading of The Tracker Fund of Hong Kong (TraHK), the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong today (Friday, November 12) introduced information on index funds for display on its Stock Financial Information pages in order to facilitate dealings in these funds.
Growth Enterprise Market, GEM, Of The Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Will Ballot Stock Codes For Charity
Date 13/11/1999
The Growth Enterprise Market, GEM, of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited has invited the first batch of companies which have obtained preliminary listing approval to ballot for stock codes on Saturday, November 13. All proceeds of the ballot of charity codes will be donated to the Community Chest.
Suspension Of Trading At SWX
Date 12/11/1999
The SWX Swiss Exchange discovered at 11.25 a.m. on November 11 that not all market participants were receiving the same information simultaneously, due to network problems. This led to suspension of trading. Despite the most intensive efforts by the SWX Swiss Exchange, it was not possible to resume trading. In the course of yesterday's incident SWX Swiss Exchange has decided not to take up electronic trading for today (12 Nov 1999). Off-exchange functionalities are available until 12:00 MET.
Program Trading Averaged 17.1 Percent Of NYSE Volume During Nov. 1-5
Date 12/11/1999
The New York Stock Exchange today (November 11) released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for Nov. 1-5. The data indicated that during Nov. 1-5, program trading amounted to 17.1 percent of NYSE average daily volume of 920.9 million shares, or 157.5 million shares a day.
IPE Volumes Soar To New Highs
Date 12/11/1999
Traded volumes on the IPE reached a massive 204,139 lots on November 10, beating the previous record set on 8 October this year by more than 20,000 lots. The number of lots traded represents more than 180 million barrels of oil, or nearly two and a half times total daily world oil consumption.
General Meeting Approves Merger Into European Clearing House - Deutsche Börse Clearing and Cedel Complement Each Other, Cost Savings Of 600 Million Euros
Date 12/11/1999
On Wednesday, the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Deutsche Börse AG approved the plans to pool the activities of Deutsche Börse Clearing AG with those of the international central securities depository Cedel International S.A. in a new company. This is the last formal step required for the merger of the two clearing organizations into the European Clearing House (ECH), which will go into operation at the beginning of next year. Deutsche Börse AG is bringing all of its shares in
Exchanges Amend Agreement To Realign Markets; Montreal Exchange To Provide Small Cap Market In Quebec
Date 12/11/1999
The Alberta Stock Exchange (ASE), the Montreal Exchange (ME), The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) and the Vancouver Stock Exchange (VSE) announced today that they have revised their agreement to realign their markets in order to address concerns expressed in Quebec about the need to maintain a market for small capitalization companies in Montreal. The exchanges are confident the changes to the original March 15, 1999 agreement respond to those concerns, while preserving the economic efficiencies a
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 12/11/1999
The market gained 0.4% to end the week positively.
New participant On SWX: Commerzbank AG, London Branch
Date 11/11/1999
The SWX Swiss Exchange has accepted Commerzbank AG, London Branch, as a Participant. The new participant will commence trading activities on the SWX platform on Thursday 11 November 1999.
New Member Of SWX
Date 11/11/1999
The SWX Swiss Exchange has accepted Hottinger & Cie, Banquiers, Zurich, as a Member. The new member will commence trading activities on Friday, 12 November 1999.
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