FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Indicative Selections For Amsterdam Exchanges And Amsterdam Midkap Indices As At 29 October 1999
Date 10/11/1999
Amsterdam Exchanges has made an indicative selection of the constituent shares in the Amsterdam Exchanges (AEX) and Amsterdam Midkap (AMX) indices on the basis of the value of turnover up to 29 October 1999. The period used for determining the selection for the AEX index was, as announced earlier, reduced from three calendar years to one calendar year, and the value of turnover used for determining the selection of the AMX index will no longer be weighted. Instead, the unweighted value of turnov
CBOT Announces Y2K Readiness
Date 10/11/1999
The Chicago Board of Trade announced today that it has completed a comprehensive, four-year Y2K preparedness program. The exchange ensured market users that it is confident that all trading systems will operate without interruption during the turn of the century.
Canola Values Reflect This Year's Large Crop
Date 10/11/1999
Crop year-to-date canola prices are trading well below the levels observed over the past three years, pressured by record Canadian and world oilseeds production. Crop year-to-date export demand for canola has been strong. However, domestic demand has not kept pace with year ago levels due to poorer crush margins, according to trade sources. The market is striking a balance between discounting prices to the point where additional demand can be found versus producers' willingness to dramatically i
Paris Bourse Trading Data For October - Business In The First Ten Months Tops 1998 Total
Date 09/11/1999
Business in the ten months to October 31 was already above the total for 1998, itself a record-breaking year. Trades over the period totaled 45.49 million compared with 44.8 million for the twelve months of last year. This represented an amount of EUR 568,303 million compared with a full-year figure of EUR 513,480 million in 1998.
Osaka Mercantile RSS3 Futures And Rubber Index Futures Weekly Report
Date 09/11/1999
RSS3 Futures: Distant month: opening 84.50 yen, a high 89.20 yen (Nov. 4), low 83.70 yen (Nov. 5), closing 86.00 yen.
Osaka Mercantile Exchange Aluminium Futures Weekly Report
Date 09/11/1999
Distant month: opening 161.8 yen, a high 163.5 yen (Nov. 5), a low 159.3 yen (Nov. 1), closing 163.5 yen. On November 1, OME Aluminium Futures opened mixed in a narrow range as the favorable effect of the steady LME Aluminium Futures was offset by the yen's surge against the dollar. Distant September contract opened slightly firmer at 161.8 yen, up 1.8 yen from the last Friday's close. On the same day, the trading at OME market was inactive, as most investors focused their attention on the lau
Nasdaq Requests Frontline Ltd. To Comment On Activity In Stock
Date 09/11/1999
The Nasdaq Stock MarketĀ® announced today that it has contacted Frontline Ltd. (FRONY) and requested that it issue a public statement specifying any corporate developments that may explain unusual trading activity in the company's stock. In response to Nasdaq's request, Frontline Ltd. stated that it was company policy not to comment on unusual market activity.
MEFF Turnover Nears One Million Contracts In October
Date 09/11/1999
Trading on MEFF Holding in October totalled 942.122 contracts. This equals a daily average of 47.106 contracts.
IPE Launches New Crude Price Indicator
Date 09/11/1999
From 16 November the IPE will publish trade-weighted average prices for each Brent Crude futures contract month. The initiative follows requests from a number of market participants who see the new price indicator as a potential new benchmark for the oil industry.
Development of New Commodities Market In Kinki Japan
Date 09/11/1999
In September 1999, Kansai Bureau of International Trade and Industry set up the Study Group for the Metal Markets in Kinki to conduct the review on the possibility of the establishment of new base metal markets in Kinki area. Upon the receipt of the review, the Osaka Mercantile Exchange intends to establish a committee to plan the launch of new commodities.
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