FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Osaka Mercantile Exchange New Base Metals To Be Launched
Date 24/05/2000
With regard to the selection of the new base metals to be launched: OME plans to launch new futures contracts of base metals in addition to its existing aluminium futures contract. It was in March 2000 that Kansai Bureau of International Trade and Industry made a proposal, in its report, for establishing the markets for metals including copper, lead, zinc and nickel in Kansai, Japan. Upon the receipt of this proposal, OME established "Conference for Establishing Metal Markets" consisting of well
Osaka Mercantile Exchange Aluminium Futures Report
Date 24/05/2000
On May 15, OME Aluminium futures opened slightly higher with distant March contract at 163.5 yen, up 0.4 yen from the last Friday's close on short-covering reflecting the firmer tone in LME Aluminium.
Investment Service Centre Opens On Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Website
Date 24/05/2000
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong today (Wednesday) launched a web-based Investment Service Centre, ISC, which offers investors listed company news alert, portfolio valuation, and other information services free of charge.
HKFE Confirms HSI Futures And Options Migration Date
Date 24/05/2000
The Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) announced yesterday that the Securities and Futures Commission and the Board of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited have given formal approval to the migration of Hang Seng Index (HSI) Futures and Options from open outcry trading to electronic trading on HKATS, and the HKFE confirmed the migration will take place on 5 June.
Central Bank Of Iceland Weekly Repo Auction 23/5 2000
Date 24/05/2000
The Central Bank of Iceland held a weekly auction of repurchase agreements on May 23 of the standard maturity of 14 days. The auction was a fixed rate one at 10.1 per cent p.a. Offers were made for a total amount of 17.2 billion krónur resulting in repurchase contracts for that amount.
Carnegie Bank A/S Granted Inactive Status In The FUTOP System
Date 24/05/2000
Carnegie Bank A/S har applied for inactive status in the FUTOP system. This has been granted with effect from 22 May 2000. This means that the company cannot trade and report listed futures and options to the clearinghouse.
Board Of Trade Clearing Corporation Selects OM Technology's SECUR Clearing System
Date 24/05/2000
The Board of Trade Clearing Corporation (BOTCC), the world's leading clearing house and OM Technology, the world's leading supplier of transaction technology, today announce that BOTCC has selected OM Technology's OM SECUR Clearing System as a key component and enhancement to BOTCC' infrastructure.
Tradepoint And The SWX Swiss Exchange Enter Exclusive Negotiations Relating To New Pan-European Initiative
Date 23/05/2000
TFN and SWX announce that the two exchanges have entered into a three month period of exclusive negotiations with a view to collaborating on a pan-European blue chip trading platform. These discussions have the full support of the Boards of Tradepoint and SWX as well as the Consortium of leading international brokerage and financial services firms, which has a 54% holding in Tradepoint. A further announcement will be made in due course.
The Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Issues A Consultation Paper On Certain Areas Of The GEM Listing Rules
Date 23/05/2000
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, today (Tuesday) issued a consultation paper the GEM Listing Rules.
Supervisory Board Of Deutsche Börse Votes In Favor Of Merger With LSE - Division Of Operations Between Frankfurt And London Confirmed - Issuers Can Choose Market Segment That Is Most Attractive For Them
Date 23/05/2000
On Tuesday, the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Börse approved the merger of Deutsche Börse and London Stock Exchange to form iX-international exchanges. As reported by Deutsche Börse on Tuesday, the proposal for the merger of the two companies will probably be submitted to the general meeting of shareholders for a vote in September. The merger of Deutsche Börse and LSE is to be formally finalized before the end of the year.
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