FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Automatic Order matching And Execution System (AMS/2)
Date 30/05/2000
The Automatic Order matching and Execution System (AMS/2) of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong experienced a "system busy" status at about 11:00am. The system recovered at about 11:40am. The Exchange is looking into the cause of the incident.
SEC Grants International Securities Exchange Exemption To Accommodate Its Electronic Market In The Marketwide Data System
Date 30/05/2000
The Commission has granted the International Securities Exchange's (ISE) request for a temporary exemption to accommodate the ISE in the consolidated system for options market information. Absent this exemption, the ISE could have been precluded by the marketwide plan for consolidating information from disseminating its own market data within the ISE's electronic market.
Results of Central Bank's weekly repo auction.
Date 30/05/2000
The Central Bank of Iceland held a weekly auction of repurchase agreements on May 30 of the standard maturity of 14 days. The auction was a fixed rate one at 10.1 per cent p.a. Offers were made for a total amount of 11 billion krónur resulting in repurchase contracts for that amount.
Nymex To Increase Margins On Natural Gas Futures
Date 30/05/2000
The New York Mercantile Exchange will raise the margins on its Henry Hub natural gas futures contract as of the close of business today to $3,500 from $2,500 for clearing members; to $3,850 from $2,750 for members; and to $4,725 from $3,375 for customers.
Next Generation Stock Exchange, Jiway, Announces Wholesale Global Share Trading For €7 (£4.50) Per Order
Date 30/05/2000
Jiway today announced the lowest ever wholesale fees for global stock trading. Retail brokers located in the UK, Germany and Sweden will be able to trade, clear and settle securities listed on NYSE, NASDAQ, London, Frankfurt, Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, Zürich, and Stockholm for just ?7 for any order worth up to ?50,000.
NASD Members Elect Seven Governors To Board
Date 30/05/2000
The National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD®), today conducted its Annual Meeting for the membership to vote on the election of seven candidates to serve on the NASD Board of Governors. The NASD Board consists of 33 Governors, including members of the general public, the securities industry, and from outside the industry. Each year the terms of from seven to twelve Governors expire, and the NASD members vote to elect new Governors. The terms of the newly elected Governors begin to
European Public Real Estate Association And Amsterdam Exchanges Launch Epra Index series
Date 30/05/2000
EPRA, the recently established European Public Real Estate Association announces together with the Amsterdam Exchanges that as from 31 May 2000 they will publish a new European index on real estate, the EPRA Index. The EPRA Index contains approximately 100 public quoted real estate companies in 14 countries throughout Europe and can therefore be seen as a truly objective and representative benchmark for the real estate industry in Europe.
Tokyo Grain Exchange Elects New Directors
Date 29/05/2000
The Tokyo Grain Exchange elected directors at the 57th Annual General Members' Meeting on May 26, 2000 held at the Tokyo Kaikan.
The Bank of Copenhagen Granted Inactive Status In FUTOP Clearing Centre
Date 29/05/2000
The Bank of Copenhagen (Den Københavnske Bank A/S) has applied for inactive status in the FUTOP system. This has been granted with effect from 26 May 2000. Thus the company cannot trade and report listed futures and options to the clearing house.
Kuwait Stock Exchange Trading Report For April 2000
Date 29/05/2000
The index of the Kuwait Stock Exchange reached 1401 points at the end of April, an increase of 22.8 points from the closing value at the end of March.
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