Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • CME Announces July 25 Launch Date For E-mini Lean Hog Contract

    Date 17/07/2000

    The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) announced it will begin trading "E-mini" lean hog futures contracts-the first traditional agricultural commodity to be traded exclusively on the CME's GLOBEX®2 electronic trading system -on Tuesday, July 25.

  • Canadian IPO Issuers Enjoy Cost Advantages

    Date 17/07/2000

    A recently released study by The Conference Board of Canada, "Going to Market, The Costs of IPOs in Canada and the United States", found that the costs of initial public offerings are lower in Canada than the U.S.

  • Ljubljana Stock Exchange Monthly Statistical Report - June

    Date 15/07/2000

    The total turnover of securities on the Exchange amounted to SIT 23.4 billion in June. It was much higher than the May figure of SIT 15.2 billion, which was the lowest monthly turnover this year. The total turnover in June 1999 was SIT 19.1 billion. The total value of SIT 125.9 billion of securities traded in the first six trading months of 2000 was SIT five billion above the 1999 figure for the same period.

  • Hang Seng Index - Replacement Of Cable & Wireless HKT Limited By Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited

    Date 15/07/2000

    In view of the rescheduling of the court proceedings relating to the merger of Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited (PCCW) and Cable & Wireless HKT Limited (CWHKT), HSI Services Limited today clarified that the replacement of CWHKT by PCCW in the Hang Seng Index and related constituent changes in the other indexes will be deferred accordingly.

  • Changes Of Constituents In The Hang Seng Family Of Indexes

    Date 15/07/2000

    HSI Services Limited on July 14 announced that changes will be made to the constituent stocks of several members of the Hang Seng family of indexes, following its regular quarterly review and the merger between Pacific Century CyberWorks Limited (PCCW) and Cable & Wireless HKT Limited (CWHKT).

  • SFE Experiences Market Disruption

    Date 14/07/2000

    The Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) today experienced three disruptions to its markets.

  • Replacement Of Component Issues For The OSE 300 Common Stock Index And Adjusted Average For 250 Issues

    Date 14/07/2000

    On July 13, 2000, the Osaka Securities Exchange announced that it would replace the component issues for the 300 Common Stock Index and Adjusted Average for 250 Issues effective from July 14, 2000, pertaining to the assignment of SOGO CO.,LTD. to the Temporary Post for Stocks to be Delisted.

  • PHLX Responds to CBOE's Plans to Purchase Order Flow

    Date 14/07/2000

    The Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) announced today that it plans to establish a payment for order flow arrangement for certain listed equity options. Under the PHLX plan, the exchange will assess PHLX specialists and Registered Options Traders trading options covered by the plan a $1.00 per contract for certain orders directed to the PHLX. While the details of the plan have not been finalized, it is expected that the specialist for an option will have discretion in establishing the amounts t

  • PHLX Allocates 46 Of Industry's Most Active Equity Options

    Date 14/07/2000

    The Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) announced today that it has allocated 46 of the industry's most actively traded equity options. With this most recent allocation, the PHLX now trades all 120 of the industry's most active equity options. Additional trading information regarding these options will be forthcoming.

  • OSE Elects New President And CEO

    Date 14/07/2000

    The Osaka Securities Exchange is pleased to announce that Mr. Goro Tatsumi succeeded Mr. Kyoji Kitamura as President and Chief Executive Officer with effect from June 30, 2000.