Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Minneapolis Grain Exchange Announces New President

    Date 20/07/2000

    The Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGE) has named Kent R. Horsager President and Chief Executive Officer. Horsager will assume the duties of this position June 19, 2000.

  • CME Expresses Condolences On Death Of NYMEX President

    Date 20/07/2000

    Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chairman Scott Gordon and President and Chief Executive Officer Jim McNulty today expressed their condolences to the New York Mercantile Exchange and to the wife and children of NYMEX President Patrick R. Thompson following Thompson's death on Wednesday:

  • Toronto Stock Exchange Hearing Panel To Consider Offers Of Settlement

    Date 19/07/2000

    A Panel of the TSE Hearing Committee will convene at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 20th at the ADR Chambers, 48 Yonge Street, 3rd floor. The Committee will consider Offers of Settlement between the Toronto Stock Exchange and 12 Traders charged with rule violations relating to high closing on the TSE. The Hearing is open to the public but cameras will not be allowed in the hearing room.

  • The Central Bank Of Iceland Auctions Repurchase Agreements For 15.9 Billion Krónur

    Date 19/07/2000

    The Central Bank of Iceland held a weekly auction of repurchase agreements on July 18, of the standard maturity of 14 days. The auction was a fixed rate one at 10.6 per cent p.a. Offers were made for a total amount of 15.9 billion krónur resulting in repurchase contracts for that amount.

  • Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Clearing House Limited Announce Operational Arrangements For Handling Of HKT Options Contracts

    Date 19/07/2000

    The SEHK Options Clearing House Limited (SEOCH) announced the operational arrangements for handling of Cable and Wireless HKT Limited (HKT) Options Contracts following the suspension of trading in HKT on 9 August 2000. The last day of dealing in HKT shares on the Stock Exchange will be 8 August 2000.