FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Deutsche Börse Expands XTF Segment: Actively Managed Funds Listed As Of November 20 - Exchange Further Reinforces Market Leadership In Exchange Traded Funds
Date 16/11/2000
Deutsche Börse is expanding its XTF market segment for exchange-traded funds: Starting November 20, actively managed funds will also be listed in this segment. The exchange is thus offering another innovation in XTF, the first segment of its kind to be launched by a European exchange about seven months ago. The first issuer for the new products is DWS Investment GmbH, which will list 11 Trading Funds for the launch. At a press conference in Frankfurt on Thursday, Volker Potthoff, member of the
Agreement Between Euronext And Bourse De Luxembourg
Date 16/11/2000
Bourse de Luxembourg and EURONEXT, the first European Exchange, have signed today a cross membership and cross access agreement to replace the Benelux Cross Membership Agreement signed on 14th December 1998.
Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) Appoints New Director Of Public Relations
Date 15/11/2000
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc., (PHLX) recently appointed Barbara Evans Sorid as director of public relations. In her new position, Sorid will serve as the organization's spokesperson and assume responsibility for the development, management and execution of public relations and media projects.
KLOFFE, COMMEX Merger Progressing As Planned
Date 15/11/2000
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) views with grave concern the highly inaccurate report on the merger between the Kuala Lumpur Options and Financial Futures Exchange (KLOFFE) and the Commodity and Monetary Exchange of Malaysia (COMMEX) published in an English language business daily yesterday. The report also made undue references to KLSE.
Findings Of The Euronext Investigation: DNC Breached The Listing And Issuing Rules
Date 15/11/2000
The Listing and Issuing Rules Advisory Committee (Adviescommissie Fondsenreglement) has reported to the management of Euronext N.V. on the matter of the alleged violation by De Nederlanden Compagnie N.V. ("DNC") of Articles 28 and 29 of the Listing and Issuing Rules in connection with DNC's planned takeover of Van Caem Klerks Groep B.V. ("VCKG") in 1999.
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: The Future Of The Futop Market
Date 15/11/2000
At a meeting on 6 November 2000, the Board of Directors of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange and the FUTOP Clearing Centre acknowledged the rules and regulations governing the future trading and clearing in listed Danish derivatives.
CME To Implement Block Trading In Selected Financial Futures Products Beginning Nov. 29, 2000
Date 15/11/2000
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) will introduce block trading in selected futures markets, including Eurodollars and selected stock index contracts, beginning on Wednesday, Nov. 29. Trades also may be transacted during the GLOBEX®2 session beginning the evening of Nov. 28; those trades would clear Nov. 29.
CBOT Members In Japan To Start Trading Through a/c/e Platform
Date 15/11/2000
The Chicago Board of Trade announced today that it is now permitted by Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) to provide and facilitate electronic access from Japan to all CBOT® products via the a/c/e electronic trading platform, jointly developed by CBOT® and Eurex.
Sydney Futures Exchange: Approved For United States Customers
Date 14/11/2000
The Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) is now permitted to directly offer or sell SPI 200™ futures and options contracts to customers domiciled in the United States (US).
SGX-ITS Launches Singapore's First ASP Online Trading System - Developed In Strategic Partnership With Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard And Dataone Asia
Date 14/11/2000
SGX-ITS, a leading provider of e-commerce transaction processing solutions, yesterday announced the launch of Vision Broker III-ASP (VBIII-ASP), Singapore's first online trading system based on an Application Service Provider (ASP) model.
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