FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Philadelphia Stock Exchange: Decimal Trading Expansion Effective December 4, 2000
Date 21/11/2000
Effective Monday, December 4, 2000, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange will convert an additional sixty-two (62) equity issues and fourteen (14) option issues to decimal pricing.
Philadelphia Stock Exchange Allocates 195 Of Industry's Most Active Equity Options
Date 21/11/2000
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) announced that it has allocated 195 actively traded equity options. Additional trading information regarding these options will be forthcoming.
Nymex To Increase Natural Gas Margins
Date 21/11/2000
The New York Mercantile Exchange will raise the margins on its Henry Hub natural gas contract at the close of business tomorrow to $6,500 from $5,500 for clearing members; $7,150 from $6,050 for members; and $8,775 from $7,425 for customers.
Nasdaq Announces The Launch Of Nasdaq Canada - Canadian Investors Get Easier Access To Nasdaq Companies - First Of A Three Phase Plan To Establish Global Linkage - The 146 Canadian Companies Listed On Nasdaq Represent US $3.13/C $4.83 Billion In Trading P
Date 21/11/2000
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., today announced that Nasdaq CanadaSM has commenced operation, with ten securities firms initially participating in the trading of all Nasdaq-listed securities directly from Montreal. Nasdaq Canada will provide Canadian investors with easier access to U.S. securities and issuers with the ability to raise capital more efficiently.
LIFFE Shareholders Vote To Support Board's Strategic Vision
Date 21/11/2000
Yesterday at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shareholders of LIFFE voted to support the Board's plans to work with Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Battery Ventures and The Blackstone Group to develop the existing exchange business and exploit technology opportunities associated with LIFFE CONNECT™, LIFFE's electronic trading system. Shareholders approved a placing and open offer of 10 million new ordinary shares at £6 per share which will raise £57 million, net of expenses. LIFFE's shareholders
Kuwait Stock Exchange Trading Report For October 2000
Date 21/11/2000
The index of the Kuwait Stock Exchange reached 1378.4 points at the end of October, a decrease of 65.8 points from the closing value at the end of September.
Euronext Responds To Samas-Groep N.V.'S Press Release Regarding The Issue Of Preference Shares
Date 21/11/2000
This afternoon, Samas-Groep N.V. issued a press release in connection with a difference of opinion between Euronext Amsterdam N.V. and Samas-Groep N.V. This concerns an issue of preference shares on 8 November 2000 by Samas-Groep N.V. to Stichting Samas that constituted more than 50% of the issuer's outstanding share capital. Samas-Groep N.V.'s press release was issued without Euronext Amsterdam having been consulted; a situation which Euronext Amsterdam finds regrettable. This failure on the pa
Deutsche Börse: Actively Managed Funds In XTF Segment - Off To Successful Start - 3.07 Million Euros In Turnover On First Day
Date 21/11/2000
The first day of trading for the new, actively managed funds in the XTF trading segment was very successful, as Deutsche Börse reports: Volume of 3.07 million euros was traded in 11 listed products in Frankfurt on Monday, and more than 97 percent of the turnover in the newly listed fund products was posted through Xetra. On the first day of trading, the actively managed funds already achieved a more than 15 percent share of the total turnover in the segment, in which index products have been tr
Deutsche Börse Group/ Eurex And Swedish Securities Dealers Association Co-operate - Eurex To Set Up A Segment For Swedish Products With The Support Of SSDA Of Sweden
Date 21/11/2000
Deutsche Börse, the leading European exchange organization and operator of the German stock market, and Eurex, the world's largest derivatives market, are together with the Swedish Securities Dealers Association and main Swedish market participants exploring ways to provide a segment for derivatives on Swedish underlyings on the Eurex trading platform. The partners made the announcement on Monday following a series of concrete discussions over the lasts weeks .
Cyprus Stock Exchange - Review Of Development October 2000
Date 21/11/2000
During October there was a slight decrease in the General Price Index and a particular increase in the value of shares traded compared to September. The various figures and statistics are analysed below:
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