FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Nasdaq Explains Monday’s Trading Activity In Axcelis Technologies
Date 02/03/2001
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. (Nasdaq®), is providing clarification of the market circumstances surrounding the trading activity of Axcelis Technologies Inc. (Nasdaq symbol: ACLS) on Monday, February 26, 2001. On that date, shortly after 10 a.m., Eastern Time (ET), Axcelis began trading from $10 to as high as $93 per share, all within a time frame of approximately 15 minutes. Nasdaq immediately contacted Axcelis Technologies to determine if there was any company-related explanation for the activ
International Securities Exchange Listing QQQ Options On March 5
Date 02/03/2001
The International Securities Exchange (ISE) announced today that on Monday, March 5 it will list options on the Nasdaq-100 Index Tracking Stock sm . This product represents ownership in the Nasdaq-100 Trust sm , a long-term unit investment trust established to accumulate and hold a portfolio of the equity securities that comprise the Nasdaq-100 Index Ò.
HEX Group Results For The Financial Year 2000
Date 02/03/2001
The revenues of HEX Group increased by 43.8 per cent and totalled 74.8 million euro (52.0 mill. euro). The expenses were 44.0 million euro (35.6 mill. euro). The operating profit of the Group was 30.7 million euro (16.4 mill. euro) showing an increase of 87.9 per cent over the previous year. Profit before extraordinary items and taxes amounted to 32.4 million euro (18.9 mill. euro) and net profit 23.0 million euro (13.6 mill. euro). Capital investments totalling 9.2 million euro (7.5 mill.
CBOT Feb. Volume 20,853; a/c/e Sets Monthly High Over 3 Million
Date 02/03/2001
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT®) announced trading volume of 20,853,886 contracts for February 2001. a/c/e electronic trading platform set a monthly volume record of 3,027,262 contracts.
CBOE To Launch CBOEdirect TM Screen-Based Trading System June 1, 2001
Date 02/03/2001
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) yesterday announced that on June 1, 2001 it will launch CBOEdirectTM, the exchange's much anticipated screen-based trading platform.
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Reaches New Monthly Volumes in February 2001
Date 01/03/2001
February 2001 set a new monthly Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) volume record for total futures and options combined.
Stock Exchange of Thailand Summary of Securities Trading in February 2001
Date 01/03/2001
The Stock Exchange of Thailand today released the official figures of securities trading for the month of February 2001, which recorded the total market turnover of 17,211.29 million shares in volume and 139,387.11 million baht in value. The SET Index closed on February 28 at 325.20, down by 7.57 points or 2.27 % from the previous month. Derivative Warrants - Thai Military Bank (TMB-C1) was the most active stock with total trading volume of 3,477,770,000 shares, representing 8,746.64 million bat
Program Trading Averaged 27.6 Percent of NYSE Volume During Feb. 20-Feb. 23, 2001
Date 01/03/2001
The New York Stock Exchange today released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for Feb. 20-Feb. 23, 2001.
Futures Trading in Electricity At EEX Off To A Good Start - 25.000 Megawatt Hours Of Electricity Traded Within First 2 Hours - 20 Market Participants From Five Countries On Board For The Launch - E.on, HEW And RWE Active As Market Makers
Date 01/03/2001
"Today we're electrifying the German market," were the words used by the two EEX Executive Board members Christian Geyer and Hans E. Schweickardt today to kick off the first German derivatives market for electricity at 10.00 a.m. Within the first two hours from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. 20 participants from three countries traded 25.000 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity via the Eurex trading system. The volumes on the derivatives market in the first two hours allready exceded the averag
February KCBT Volume Shows Gains Compared To January
Date 01/03/2001
Trading volume at the Kansas City Board of Trade climbed 18.4 percent when compared to total volume traded during the month of January. Wheat futures volume increased 23.1 percent, while Value Line® volume grew 14.8 percent in the same time period.
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