Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • New Participant On SWX: NZB Neue Zürcher Bank, Zurich

    Date 02/02/2001

    The SWX Swiss Exchange has accepted NZB Neue Zürcher Bank, Zurich, as a participant. The new participant will commence trading activities on the SWX platform on Monday, 5 February, 2001.

  • New Directives For The SWX New Market

    Date 02/02/2001

    1 February 2001 saw the entry into force of two new Directives, which contain more specific rules under the provisions of the Additional Rules on the SWX New Market relating to market making and the sales restriction (or lock-up).

  • Midam’s January 2001 Volume At 64,141 Contracts

    Date 02/02/2001

    The MidAmerica Commodity Exchange, a wholly-owned affiliate of the Chicago Board of Trade, announced today trading volume of 64,141 contracts for January 2001.

  • London Stock Exchange And CRESTCo: Introduction Of T+3 Standard Settlement Period

    Date 02/02/2001

    The London Stock Exchange and CRESTCo today confirm the introduction of T+3 standard settlement period, with effect from Monday, 5 February 2001. The adoption of T+3 will apply to domestic equities and fixed interest securities traded on the London Stock Exchange. The change follows the London Stock Exchange's earlier consultation with market participants when nearly 80 per cent of respondents favoured a move to a shorter settlement period.

  • Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Technical changes In KFX postponed

    Date 02/02/2001

    Due to technical problems the Copenhagen Stock Exchange will have to postpone the implementation of the new KFX rules, which are solely of a technical nature. The new rules were announced on 15 December 2000.