FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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Tokyo Stock Exchange Equity Options Position limits
Date 02/09/2002
Neither a trading participant (for its own account) nor a customer may hold an aggregate position in contract units on an Equity Option in excess of such number of contracts units having shares of underlying stock equal to following amounts of combining short positions in put options with long positions in call options of the same underlying stock or combining long positions in put options with short positions in call options of the same underlying stock. 1% or more of the number of a
SWX Swiss Exchange: Key figures August 2002
Date 02/09/2002
Trading days: 22 SWX Products Turnover (CHF m) % Change Versus previous month % Change Versus previous year Trades Equities* including funds 72,365 -26.5 <
Stock Exchange Of Thailand: MAI Undertakes Proactive Marketing Plan To Increase Number Of Companies Plus Providing All-In-One Information Services
Date 02/09/2002
In a move to increase confidence in the Market for Alternative Investment (MAI), the MAI will undertake an aggressive marketing plan to totally revamp its image. This will start with a new logo and slogan, "mai: Growth Opportunity for Businesses that Think Big". The MAI will also provide more investment information by making the MAI Index available and through the upgrade of its website, www.mai.or.th It also intends to organize an alliance with related organizations in the industry to hold educ
Russian Trading System: Weekly Market Information
Date 02/09/2002
For the week of August 26th -August 30th, 2002, the RTS Index went down 4.17% to close at 332.90. The RTS Technical Index closed off 4.33% at 366.35.
Russian Trading System: Equities And Bonds Trading In August
Date 02/09/2002
In August 2002 total volume on the RTS classic market in equities totaled 273.6 million USD, down from 407.4 million USD in July. Daily average turnover in August decreased to 12.4 million USD compared to 17.7 million USD in July.
Russian Trading System Bonds: Weekly Market Information
Date 02/09/2002
For the week of August 26th-August 30th, 2002, total volume in the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading of corporate, government, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, reached 1.7 million US dollars. The number of trades equaled 13. The trade volume of the Russian Federation Eurobonds with 2030 maturity date amounted to 1.6 million US dollars. Corporate and municipal bonds volume reached 141.5 thousand US dollars, 5% up on the week.
Oslo Børs: 2 Minutes Of Silence 11 September
Date 02/09/2002
In respect for the victims after the tragedy in the United States 11 September 2001, Oslo Børs will in conjunction with other European exchanges have a two-minutes of silence on Wednesday 11 September at 14:46 local Norwegian time.
London Stock Exchange Publishes Its Response To The European Commission's Clearing And Settlement Consultation
Date 02/09/2002
The London Stock Exchange today published its response to the European Commission's clearing and settlement consultation. The consultation was launched to discuss how existing market distortions, and barriers to efficient clearing and settlement arrangements within the EU, can be removed.
Lisbon Exchange Members To Trade All Securities Listed On Euronext
Date 02/09/2002
From early September 2002, Euronext Lisbon member firms will be able to trade all securities listed on cash markets operated by Euronext Paris, Amsterdam and Brussels.
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange: "Irresponsible And Inaccurate Report On KLSE"
Date 02/09/2002
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) views with grave concern the article 'Government to control board of listed Exchange' published by Business Times today.
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