Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Madrid Stock Exchange: Visual Trader Enters The Italian Market Through A Distribution Agreement With TAS

    Date 27/11/2002

    Visual Trader Systems, the technology company subsidiary of Bolsa de Madrid and Bolsa de Valencia, signed an agreement with TAS S.p.A., the Italian company leader in technical solutions for financial trading, to distribute in Italy and in other European Countries its front office trading system, the "Multimarket Terminal".

  • London Stock Exchange: Stamp Duty Holds Back UK Business Investment

    Date 27/11/2002

    The London Stock Exchange today reacted to the Government's failure to address the problem of stamp duty on share dealing in the Chancellor of the Exchequer's pre-budget report.

  • Kansas City Board Of Trade: Christmas And New Years Trading Hour - Wheat Markets To Be Closed On Christmas Eve

    Date 27/11/2002

    The Kansas City Board of Trade has altered its holiday trading calendar in an effort to coordinate with other grain futures markets. The hard red winter wheat futures and options markets will not be open for trading on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2002.

  • Hong Kong Main Board-Listed Companies Annual/Interim Reports 2001 On Compact Disks

    Date 27/11/2002

    Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) released today (Wednesday) compact disks (CDs) on Hong Kong Main Board-Listed Companies Annual/Interim Reports 2001. This product comprises seven CDs containing images of annual/interim reports (both English and Chinese versions) published by Hong Kong Main Board-listed companies for reporting periods ending in 2001. The reports are stored on the disks as black and white graphic images which can be viewed on most computers with a CD-ROM drive. Wit

  • HKFE Announces Revised Margins For Futures Contracts

    Date 27/11/2002

    Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), announced that with effect from the commencement of trading on Friday, 29 November 2002, the minimum margins to be collected by an Exchange Participant from its clients in respect of their dealings in the following futures contracts will be as outlined in the table below. The adjustments are based on the cle